A little about me, KE7KVA


Dec 28, 2011
I have just signed up for membership with this forum andI have visited it before, where I have found useful information and hope tohelp others now. I am a student in Information Technology (Bachelors) and havea Associates in Electronics Engineering Technology (Similar degrees). I havebeen an Amateur Radio Operator since 2007. I am active in my local CommunityEmergency Response Teams program and am looking to integrate my Android systemsuse into that.

I have been an Android user for about two years now, my firstdevice being a cell phone (Huawei Ascend) with Android 2.1 and I now have aCoby Kyros Tablet MID7012 with Android 2.3, both of which are rooted. I hope tolearn more about Android and its security and feasibility for EmergencyServices such as Amateur Radio and Disaster Services. I feel that it should bea help for field response, and inventory tracking. I hope to use the tablet forpersonal, school, and Amateur radio uses.

Please feel free to comment back to me, I am looking forward to seeing if anyother hams are here.

Hi KE7KVA, welcome to Android Tablets and congratulations on your Coby. It was nice of you to join the forum and we're glad to have you here as a member.
Congrats on the new tablet, and welcome to the forum!

Glad to have you here.
