a little update for the "headphones=no soft buttons" 7024 defectors out there


Apr 18, 2011
so i have the problem wen my headphones are plugged in the soft buttons dont work on my 7024, then they started not working wen they were UNPLUGGED, i got KINDA pissed, and "gently" flexed that end of the tablet, now the search soft button doesnt work, but i dont have the heaphone problem, all are working cept for teh search soft button, hope that helps some

Shoot, at first I thought this was a workaround/feature enahncement. I get soooo pissed when the default web browser opens (I prefer Dolphin HD) or even worse I accidentally hit clear and lose my place half way through a movie (which doesn't fast forward and rewind so well on this tablet). Sounds like your "gentle" touch may be the culprit.

Honestly sounds like it was a blessing at first but got worse. Sorry to hear that man. But seriously, I would love the ability to disable/re-enable touch buttons by simply installing/removing the headset jack. <----this = cool =)

Someone work on this...pwease, pwitty pwease?