A Visual Comparison between my iPad and my Galaxy Tab...


Aug 2, 2010
Now that I've had a few days to really get my (rather awesome) Galaxy Tab all set-up/customized just the way I want it, I thought it might be a good time to post a visual GUI comparison between my iPad 64/WiFi3G and my Galaxy Tab/32gb.

How have my fellow G-Tab users configured their new toys?


  • $My Samsung Galaxy Tab iPad Comparison.jpg
    $My Samsung Galaxy Tab iPad Comparison.jpg
    102.1 KB · Views: 769
I question anybody buying a tablet based on sexiness of the presentation gui. Even though I have both an apple ipad and zenithink zt-180. If i'm on the road the apple ipad would be my traveling machine because not all the apps are out for the android system.

for example, i was in china with locked down usa phones. yeah i could have jailbroken them but skype was the one that saved the day for me and it worked on the iphone. Also, i have searched for a china train app in english, only apple has a version that is in english.

right now the problem i see is that most android hardware developed today has a limited software upgrade and you are dependent on whether the hardware mfr decides to provide an upgrade path
and this is exactly the same with Apple :)

...right now the problem i see is that most android hardware developed today has a limited software upgrade and you are dependent on whether the hardware mfr decides to provide an upgrade path
Samsung put the better hardware on their Galaxy Tab and left the iPad to use crappier stuff. Nothing Apple can do about that.
Very cool! Here's what my home screen looks like...


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