A1CS X220 - cannot write/save to local memory - driving me mad


Jan 3, 2012

I recently purchased a 10.2" X220 tablet from A1CS in the UK.
On the whole I am very happy with it.

However, there are a couple of things I want to do that it just won't let me.

1. Save an image from the web browser to the internal memory.
When I try to save an image it says "There is not enough space".
I know that there is plenty of space on it as it reports Total Available User Space: 2.27GB.

2. I want to be able to download an apk (Android Market does not show all apps) but I get "Disk cannot be written to".
I can download apk's on a PC. Copy the apk to TF card and install on the tablet but why can't I download an apk on the device itself.

3. I want to read ebooks with Aldiko but for Aldiko to remember where you got up to in the book, the ebook has to live in the eBooks folder on
the local memory. I cannot copy my ebooks to the internal memory as it says "Disk cannot be written to".

Whatever I try to download it will not let me. It's almost like the internal memory is Write protected.
I should be able to do all of the above. My work provided a Samsung Galaxy tab for a while and all of the above worked just fine on that.

If anyone is able to save my sanity, I'd be very grateful.



Device details from "About Device"

Model Number: DISCO10

Android Version: 2.2-20110803

Kernel Version: zjd@dtlinuxserver #34

Build Number: FRF85B

the a1cs has a problem with certain web sites and apk files,
1st u wont be able to save pics from web "but android 4.0 has been released and if you email a1ukseller@gmail.com and ask for the link and they will email a how to file for you. this is meant to solve problems.
2nd if you need certain apk's i had the same problem and i used a torrent site and got them from there and installed them through micro card.
good luck