A2109 micro-HDMI out to DVI-D space oddity


Junior Member
Mar 20, 2013
Well, I dunno what quite happened. Plugged my micro HDMI (M) to HDMI (F) cable, then plugged my HDMI to DVI-D cable into that. Powered my A2109 up. Video was 640x480, looks like droppings on my 19" LCD monitor.

Running HDMI output from my Asus HDMI port, looks razor sharp at 1440x900. I had hoped that at least I would get 720p video... It might be the micro HDMI to HDMI cable is the limiting factor (# 7603 from www.microprice.com).

There is no way to set resolution out on 4.1.1 that I can see, overscan does nothing to help, since I want the image to be BIGGER....
