the MID1125-4G have a very very big memory problem, the 192MB internal storage are EXTREMLY low and do not allow to install apps , the 4GB internal SD card detected as SD card and not as INTERNAL STORAGE, i update 2.3.3 with the official 4.1.1 android but the problem is the same and still do not have gogle play and google talk.
So i can install only 5 apps and the internal storage is full (the apps2sd free some internal storage but all apps need to use INTERNAL STORAGE to work*) and the only thing who can do to fix it is: To give the tablet to my 3 years daughter to brake it and buy a tabled with 16GB+ internal storage and the gogle play and gogletalk preInstaled
*Restored to default setting have only 111mb FREE INTERNAL STORAGE ,and if i instal FlashPlayer 11, Firefox,Gtalk,GooglePlay,GoogleDrive, the empty internal storage is 54mb using app2sd ,so dont dear to download Angrydirds from maket cos your device storage is full !!!
** I wondering all that companys who making milion devices crap , do not use them , do not test them , do not try to work whit them for 1 day only !!!
*** so my daugter tell me "pls dady show me the talking tom cat" and i say ok i will uninltall all my apps to can install talkingtom and i give it to you to play !!!![]()
So, lets make your daughter more happy. It's easy to move apps to SD and free your Coby 1125 memory.
First if you didn't done it yet, i really advice you to root your device. How to do it?
- How to root:
First extract all files to your External SD card.
Install in order by numbers.
1. install recovery.apk and start
2. choose update.zip......coby will shutdown, install and reboot
3. start recovery again, choose superuser.zip......coby will shutdown, install and reboot
4. install license and rom manager (german).......start rom manager. Choose "Clockworkmod Recovery installieren" , choose mid1125, yes, CWM3.X
5. install busybox.apk
your device is rooted ;-)
- files you need to root are here: Zippyshare.com - Coby mid1125 root & market.rar
then you should install google apps. to do so, check this link: Install Google Play on Cobys Jelly Bean Tablets | hoTodi.tv
Everything is working on my MID1125 with latest update from Coby 4.1.1
Anything i can help, just say.