A500 and iPhone 3GS


Aug 13, 2011
hello everybody
I'm new to android and i would like to have access to internet through my iPhone 3GS
using bluetooth or usb connection and personal hotspot function of the iPhone 3GS.
I do it using my windows laptop and works fine.
How can i achieve this with A500?


If the 3GS personal hotspot acts as a normal router you should be able to just add it as a hotspot under Wireless and Networks. But if the personal hotspot acts as a ad-hoc wireless network, it probably won't work unless you root the tablet and replace one of the files. See Tethering app in the sticky posts at the top of this forum.

There is normally no DHCP server in a ad-hoc network, so you may have to manually assign a ip address even after you get it rooted.
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If the 3GS personal hotspot acts as a normal router you should be able to just add it as a hotspot under Wireless and Networks. But if the personal hotspot acts as a ad-hoc wireless network, it probably won't work unless you root the tablet and replace one of the files. See Tethering app in the sticky posts at the top of this forum.

There is normally no DHCP server in a ad-hoc network, so you may have to manually assign a ip address even after you get it rooted.
Before I did have to setup a static IP, since the 3.1 update it now connects with DHCP.
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Before I did have to setup a static IP, since the 3.1 update it now connects with DHCP.

What IP do you get?

Are you sure it isn't one of these ?
Even a disconnected Windows/Linux machine gets one of those.

(Which is not to say it won't work, but its pretty arbitrary when more than a few devices are on the network because you can knock a sleeping tablet off the net just by firing up a different tablet. They generally work it out over time: In the automatic address configuration process, each machine select a random candidate address within the reserved range and use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) probes to ascertain that the address is not in use on the network. Otherwise, a new address is selected.).

Its really a bummer that Android decided to not handle ad-hoc on roving platforms, but I can see the security aspects of why they might have chosen not to deal with it.
What IP do you get?

Are you sure it isn't one of these ?
Even a disconnected Windows/Linux machine gets one of those.

(Which is not to say it won't work, but its pretty arbitrary when more than a few devices are on the network because you can knock a sleeping tablet off the net just by firing up a different tablet. They generally work it out over time: In the automatic address configuration process, each machine select a random candidate address within the reserved range and use Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) probes to ascertain that the address is not in use on the network. Otherwise, a new address is selected.).

Its really a bummer that Android decided to not handle ad-hoc on roving platforms, but I can see the security aspects of why they might have chosen not to deal with it.
a 169 ip? no..
before I had to setup static info (ex IP:, DG:, network prefix: 24, DNS:
otherwise the a500 would connect to the ad hoc network (with the patched wpa_supplicant file) but could NOT browse.
After 3.1, now I don't have to keep entering a static address (wouldn't save the info..)
I can connect with DHCP & im able to browse.
Also I can connect my laptop to the ad hoc network at the same time, doesn't kick out the tab..
This is not my case because iPhone 3GS personal hotspot does not support wifi. It only supports bluetooth and usb.
Only iPhone 4 supports wifi personal horspot

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
i don't want to jailbrake my iphone because it is my company's phone.

Isn't there any way to use bluetooth or usb?

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Wait, you want to tether your Tablet to your COMPANY iPhone, setting them up for a huge bill from your carrier when they figure out you are tethering, but you somehow draw the line at jailbreaking the iPhone? Something doesn't add up here.

Jailbreak the phone. Its easier to get forgiveness than permission. But be aware carriers are all getting pretty savvy about tethering and they will find you, and add $10 per month to your bill. If your company is ok with that, then they will be OK with jailbreaking the iphone which is a lot less risky than jailbreaking the tablet at this point in time.

If your company ISN'T ok with that, then you should reconsider what you are planning to do. The only phone you can tether on where your carrier can't even tell is the Nexus One. Every thing else sets a flag at the carrier.
Jailbreaking your iphone & getting that application is going to be your best bet.
Currently no way (hack/mod) to connect to the net via Bluetooth or USB.
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So even if I pay AT&T for the pleasure of turning my 3Gs into a WiFi hotspot, it won't actually be a WiFi hotspot?

Since the iOS 4 update I have a setting in the menu to enable it, but it refuses if I try and just tells me to call AT&T. I have thought about doing it when I go on my next trip now that I have the A500. However to do it I have to give up my grandfathered a"unlimited" plan.

I guess if it really won't work, then i have another reason to upgrade to the iPhone 4 and loose my unlimited plan in favor of tethering.
Thanks, i take that for a final answer.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
So even if I pay AT&T for the pleasure of turning my 3Gs into a WiFi hotspot, it won't actually be a WiFi hotspot?

Since the iOS 4 update I have a setting in the menu to enable it, but it refuses if I try and just tells me to call AT&T. I have thought about doing it when I go on my next trip now that I have the A500. However to do it I have to give up my grandfathered a"unlimited" plan.

I guess if it really won't work, then i have another reason to upgrade to the iPhone 4 and loose my unlimited plan in favor of tethering.
read the 8th post on this thread... "need to jailbreak your iphone & get an app like this --> MyWi 4.0 - iPhone® WiFi Tethering and iPad®"