Acer Iconia A500 does a poor job with Skype, etc.

Since getting ICS Skype doesn't start automatically as it did under HC. It is set up to login when Skype starts. I've tried an uninstall and install but that made no difference. Anyone with any suggestions?

I prefer it that way. If I want skype I want to be able to control it.

Have you refreshed the CACHE?
Thanks, but I'm so used to Skype starting automatically I tend to forget to start it. Clearing the cache didn't help. I guess I'll just have to remember to start Skype manually.
I have not tried any Bluetooth device with my A500 so I was wondering if an earpiece set (speaker/mic) could work in applications such as Skype and Gtalk.
Has anybody used audio Bluetooth with this tab?
Thanks in advance
I've tried a few mics, including an external "capsule mic". My Bluetooth earbuds work with Skype, for OUTPUT ONLY* (headphones), and the input is the internal mic or capsule mic. Weird. The A500 audio options seem experimental. If you thought "I'll connect just about any ordinary Smartphone headset, and the device will figure it out and just work", you were wrong. Everything you try seems to require advanced fiddling.

I don't like earbuds in particular with Skype, since there's no side-tone. So I have a single-ear headphone with mic, corded style, just for Skype calls.

*If you think there's a setup in ICS for Bluetooth mic input that has eluded me, I'm willing to try it.
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well, after months of grief, I can say that my Skyping is now fairly successful, provided I use my Iconia like a phone, meaning that I speak directly into the mic, or about 2 inches (5cms) from it. People I voice chat with instantly complain about sound quality if I separate myself from the tablet 30 or more cms. Of course being so close to the tab means that video is out of the question because the cam only captures a portion of the face. But hey, it works.
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It is because of the "feedback" caused by the closeness of the speakers with the microphone. The ear bud speakers stops the clicking sound on the microphone producing a better sound quality.

There is no way of adjusting the gain sensitivity. The only thing that you can adjust is turn down the volume of the output - this does make a difference.
hi all
if you upgrade to ics the mic audio improves like 1000%
but the internal mic is crap - works perfectly on external.
you need to replace the internal mic with something better.
i have replaced mine and works really well now
hi all
if you upgrade to ics the mic audio improves like 1000%
but the internal mic is crap - works perfectly on external.
you need to replace the internal mic with something better.
i have replaced mine and works really well now
With what? can you suggest something?