ADB for G Tab Step-by-Step

Hello gentlemen,
Should I leave USB Debugging checked (always turn on) ? When I ran Titanium Back-up, this app suggested so.
Dave, it leaves a pesky persistent icon on my Droid's notification tray, but I don't see the same on the gTab. It makes life easier to leave it on, so I say "leave it on!"

I've lost track of the details...does this mean you've got ADB working? If so, congrats! Also, note regarding Titanium that it has the option to schedule a weekly backup, another good reason to leave USB Debugging on. :)

Dave, it leaves a pesky persistent icon on my Droid's notification tray, but I don't see the same on the gTab. It makes life easier to leave it on, so I say "leave it on!"
I've lost track of the details...does this mean you've got ADB working? If so, congrats! Also, note regarding Titanium that it has the option to schedule a weekly backup, another good reason to leave USB Debugging on. :)
Hello Matt,
You, PBrauer and Fuganater have been most helpful and resourceful. For that, I am most obligated.

Yes, I had it worked. It took a while until I realized that the option 'USB Debugging' must be checked (turned on) prior to configuring adb. Before that turning point, it took multiple attempts with usbdeview, connecting and disconnecting, adding legacy device, etc . . . Anyway, don't know what the heck I would do with it, except that soothing down the male ego ! ! !

Fuganater also suggested to leave it on as you did. So I will do so.

Hah, I don't know about the automatic weekly backup. It will override the last backup, or just adding another set ?
Dave, I'm not gonna lie to you. There are two options and since I'm not really sure what's the difference I chose the second. ;) Looks like it overwrites...not the last backup, but the one before, I believe. But trust your own eyes.

I really love ADB, though I used it with the Nook Color much more than with the gTab. Think about it this way: it is a great piece of insurance to have if you have trouble booting. You're also right about the male ego thing. I couldn't tolerate not having access to a feature that other users crow about!

where is the folder mentioned? I just downloaded the Android sdk from android development site (version 10) and I do not see the folder nor an INF file. Please help.
where is the folder mentioned? I just downloaded the Android sdk from android development site (version 10) and I do not see the folder nor an INF file. Please help.
Did you mean the "usb_driver" folder? You may need to download it. Give this a try, from the nookdevs website:

NookColor USB ADB - nookDevs

II. Patch the USB Driver files

  1. Download the nookColor Windows ADB USB driver here:
    • Extract the zip file to C:\android-sdk-windows\
Pbrauer, gadgetrants and fuganater---
Isn't it just great that the tops of your shoes don't get wet as you walk across the pond! The amount and quality of advice, guidance and encouragement the three of you give is short of guarenteed Saint hood. I should also add joenilan over on the Huawei S thread. I am a noob in this enviroment but not to the technical world as I was for years a lead tech in the US Navy flying video game fleet. I could tear plane apart and put it back together in my sleep. I am trying to find the time to study both Java and android material in the hopes that someday I can assist others like you have me. I wish I had the funds to ensure that you never get thirsty. To that end and my point. You all have my gratitude and respect for the work that you do, for the sheer enjoyment of learning and helping others like me.
Did you mean the "usb_driver" folder? You may need to download it. Give this a try, from the nookdevs website:

NookColor USB ADB - nookDevs

Thanks, this worked once I saw my device listed under USB Interface in device manager. I had to uninstall the device, then plug it back in, once windows says it is installer drivers, I had to intervene and install them myself, by refreshing device manager, seeing the nVidea device right clicking and selected update driver and point the install location to the usb_driver folder, I just downloaded and modify the inf file.

Thank you guys, I can finally debug code on my gTablet! For the reference, on my Win 7 64 bit I also had to use USBDeview to locate and delete the existing driver. For those who are not sure what to delete. In USBDeview sort all devices by the "Connected" column - your gTablet will be one of the few connected devices. And don't forget to run USBDeview as Administrator, else you may be unable to delete (uninstall) anything.
Im unable to get windows to point to any other folder when I plug it in.
I have the device only under drives. I unstall it, in device manager and in usbdeview. As soon as I plug it in, it imediately installs and shows up in the tools. It wont let me install my own drivers. If I choose update drover, I point it to the folder, windows says im already up to date.
Any ideas?
Gtab stuck in cant get to recovery mode. Trying to get CWM installed. $dmanager.PNG
Im unable to get windows to point to any other folder when I plug it in.
I have the device only under drives. I unstall it, in device manager and in usbdeview. As soon as I plug it in, it imediately installs and shows up in the tools. It wont let me install my own drivers. If I choose update drover, I point it to the folder, windows says im already up to date.
Any ideas?
Gtab stuck in cant get to recovery mode. Trying to get CWM installed. View attachment 3480
Hi Mike. I ran into a similar problem with the Nook Color, but for some reason the gTab was more well-behaved. Thanks for the detailed description. What I'm not sure I can visualize is what happens while (1) it's plugged in and (2) you remove all drivers for the gTab from usbdeview...does Windows reinstall a driver at that point automatically?

You might want to try a screen shot while using usbdeview. I have a hunch that you're not removing all the drivers (though honestly I only remember uninstalling one).

Hi Mike. I ran into a similar problem with the Nook Color, but for some reason the gTab was more well-behaved. Thanks for the detailed description. What I'm not sure I can visualize is what happens while (1) it's plugged in and (2) you remove all drivers for the gTab from usbdeview...does Windows reinstall a driver at that point automatically?

You might want to try a screen shot while using usbdeview. I have a hunch that you're not removing all the drivers (though honestly I only remember uninstalling one).


Matt thanks for helping. I posted my problem here.
I have it plugged in, I delete the drivers, it goes away, I unplug it, plug it back itm and windows automatically updates the drivers.
Ah! Forgive's been several months since I set up ADB for the gTab...I think after deleting the drivers you should head immediately over to Device Manager (don't unplug) and manually install the alternative driver. This is the guide at xda I used:

[STICKY][GUIDE] adb for your gtab (windows) - xda-developers

Crap. Now I see step (4) is unplug/plug in. Hmmm... OK, my hunch is still you're not deleting all the gTab drivers. I took a look at your usbdeview screen shots (thanks!), and I'm wondering which of those are other devices, and which belong to the gTab. That's before you deleted drivers, right? If there's an issue with which ones to delete vs. keep, maybe you can unplug all unneeded devices to clear the list some.

EDIT: I'm sure you don't need a cheerleader, but I still want to tell you that ADB is a super-helpful resource for Android devices (you probably already know that) and I think it's awesome that you're getting it set up. I also saw many people go nearly insane trying to do it on the Nook Color (less have tried on the gTab for some reason) so don't get discouraged.

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Unluigging the device and pluggin it back on while watching the usbview, the only thing that changes is the tegra 2 usb device comes and goes. No other uknown.
In APX mode, the Nvidia usb boot recovery comes and goes with turning it on and off.