Add phone capabilities to your tablet (UPDATED 7-2-14 This Method Still Works!)

I have a Coby Kyros MID7016 and I would like to know if you can update this with the updated Ipkall. Thanks!
Please can someone help me?????? Every single time,i mean every single time on google voice it will say porting is unavailable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need help please! I have made 10 accounts with ipkall trying. (cancel account,make account,cancel account,make account,cancel account,make account) it is sooo annoying!!!! Please!
I just did this again last week and it worked perfectly fine. If you really want my help screen capture your computer screen as you go through the process and then email it to me so I can see what's going wrong. Or just but grooveip its in the play store and takes care if everything for you.

Sent from my Vizio Tab/ Universal Remote
I have Ainol Novo 7 Aurora Tablet.

I am new to tablets and the apps.

Will the Add-phone capabilities described in this forum work on this tablet?

Waiting for reply

A. S. Bhasker Raj
If it has a mic it should work.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Tapatalk 2