Amazon Free App of the Day

Samsung Galaxy Note


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Some scary stuff there, gives new meaning to the term "safe sex". I guess I've just been lucky so far, and I can't think of a better way to go.:rolleyes:
Going Nuts is the 2/17 app.

Going Nuts is a fun game for Android that involves navigating a cute flying squirrel through dense forests while gathering acorns. Enjoy power-ups, upgrades, exciting 3D graphics, OpenFeint achievements, and much more.
Samsung Galaxy Note

Do they have little machetes or some thing to do this?

Now I do not feel so bad about saying today's free app is great for watching a squirrel smack into trees.

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Samsung Galaxy Note

That is actually a great use of the app, good find x2, one for the app and one for the article. As far as your art I'd say it is worthy of display at the fine gallery of Frigidaire :)
Robin Hood: Twisted Fairy Tales is the 2/18 app.

Robin Hood and his gang are ready for an adventure, but this adventure is a little--well, mismatched. Help pave the way for the prince of thieves by comparing two beautifully illustrated scenes from the story. To a rookie, they would appear to be the same; however, the trained eye knows better. The benevolent thievery of Robin Hood rests on your shoulders. The story must go on but it can't until you reveal the subtle differences in each illustration.
Mahjong Artifacts is the 2/19 app.

Ready to search the world looking for treasure? Mahjong Artifacts will take you on an epic puzzle-quest! The prequel to Mahjong Artifacts: Chapter 2, you'll be occupied for hours with everything it has to offer.

This is a classic Mahjong tile matching puzzle game--match and remove two tiles with the same symbols that can be shifted either left or right without disturbing any other tiles. Clear out all the tiles to finish the layout before you run out of moves to make.
Roh oh! My wife is going to see this right away, download it to her tablet, and I won't get any breakfast!

Sent from my Sony Tablet S using Android Tablet Forum
Calculator is the 2/20 app.

This calculator app is ideal for kids, college students, and adults. It's perfect for simply managing your budget as well as for tackling those tough trigonometry problems in your math class with Sin, Cos, Tan, inverse trig, and hyperbolic functions. You can even change the calculator's functionality on the fly. Leave the calculator in portrait view to see just a simple calculator, or turn the calculator on its side to reveal a scientific calculator.
Calculator is one of the few apps I've downloaded myself and it's a very nice one for the price.:cool:
Tracing ABC is the 2/21 app.

Get your little one on track to perfect penmanship with the Tracing ABC app for your Android device. Ideal for children four years and older, the Tracing ABC app has a simple and engaging interface designed to help children print letters, numbers, and various shapes with ease and confidence.
Dominoes is the 2/22 app.

Dominoes keeps things simple with one basic domino game. Known as Straight Dominoes, Fives Up, All Fives, or Muggins, it is the most common variation of the game and is relatively easy to learn. Each player starts with seven dominoes from a 28-tile double six set. Players take turns laying down tiles, making sure that each tile has a value that matches the tile they are laying it next to, and scoring points whenever the total of the open ends adds up to a multiple of five. The game ends when one of the players reaches 250 points.
Wikinvest Ad-Free is the 2/23 app.

Wikinvest Portfolio for Android tracks all of your investment accounts, all in one place. Set up your investment and finance accounts on, or add them directly from the application so you can follow all of your investments wherever you go. Wikinvest's secure connection automatically imports your stock, ETF, and mutual fund holdings into one view and updates nightly so you never have to enter your trades or holdings into a portfolio management tool again.
Astral Plague is the 2/24 app.

Astral Plague's gameplay is simple but unique. Combining classic top-down shooters and "tower defense" elements, it is a test of both your reflexes and strategic skills. The intuitive touchscreen controls make it easy to steer the ship and shoot the bad guys.