Amazon Free App of the Day

50,000!!! Congratulations! Let's celebrate together,I got 25,000!:) The champagne it's ready and so am I!:-D


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Now I know why you were giving me grief over my home screens! Good grief!
Nonsense JP!:) But let me go see if anybody needs my help or my welcome...I got a goal to reach: 50,000!!!
Maybe you should focus on passing rico first then hitting Level 100 then 50k?
50,000!!! Congratulations! Let's celebrate together, I got 25,000!:) The champagne it's ready and so am I!:-D
If you're going to wear that red dress, I'll be at the party if I have to walk to Florida.:cool:
J515OP said:
Maybe you should focus on passing rico first then hitting Level 100 then 50k?

How can I focus on passing Rico first, of course I'm going to pass him eventually....he can't defend himself , he is not here anymore ....if he was, not even Spider would have passed him!
The question has to be asked - why isn't Rico here anymore? - and the answer is obvious, there is a Conspiracy among the elite to protect their eliteness, and I suspect foul play. I know, I've heard it all before, conspiracy theorists are just lunatics that are trying to justify their decision to choose Beta over VHS and are afraid their closet collection of Sony 8mm may someday be discovered, probably by the very same people that blackmailed Webster to keep the word eliteness out of the dictionary in the first place. Everything falls into place if you just open your mind and refuse to just be another of Societies robots...and a robot is just a thinly disguised Android...and the question has to be asked ~ is just a front for the eventual domination of Man by Machines?

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Tiny Monsters Deluxe is the 11/17 app.

Play Tiny Monsters Deluxe to hatch, raise, and breed mysterious elemental creatures!

PLEASE NOTE: This app lets you purchase digital content using actual money. You can configure parental controls for in-app purchases, which will require your Amazon account password or a 4-digit PIN, by going to the Settings menu from within the Amazon Appstore.
As my Granfather used to say ~ A singularity is only unique until it happens again ~ of course there is evidence he showed signs of dementia early in life....and he drank a lot....

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Hidden Differences: Haunted Mansions is no longer the 11/18 app.

Hidden Differences: Haunted Mansions is a fun, traditional game of Spot the Difference or Photo Hunting where your object is to find all the differences in the various haunted, creepy, and scary mansions!
Thanks JB! Once again they changed it in the middle of the night.

Word Stack is now the 11/18 app.

Challenge your brain and have some fun with our new word association stacking game. Be careful, it's addicting!