Android App From Amazon

You do have the card in the Nook slot though right? And you were able to flash the CM7 and Gapps zip files? Once you have done that and if the SD card isn't mounted then you can remove it and reboot. Alternatively if you want to be sure, after you have competed all the steps and are at the main menu, just hold the power button until the device turns off. Remove the card and power on.

Sorry I did have the card in there and flash the CM7 and Gapps file to the nook

no the car is not in the slot and I am now powering it back up I got this message when I went to power it up

The process has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Force Close. When I touch the words force close it goes away.

So I'm not sure if I understood you right or not but am I suppose to put a zip program on here. I know you probably think I am a dummy and I am really sorry to keep doing this
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It's totally ok, we were all new to the Nook once. If you removed the card and booted it sounds like you are in good shape unless I am misunderstanding. Are you now in a running device?
yes but I am not sure how to find my books or anything else and I can't go to the market. again i really appreciate everything you have done for me. am i suppose to be getting the error message I was telling you about earlier
when I click on the market it give me a message

the process has stopped unexpectedly. please try again
force close

now am i suppose to go and do the other link you sent to me
Also if you don't have one already you will want a gmail account.
First let's make sure you have everything setup. Once we have done that we can try a couple of things to take care of any error messages.
Nope you should be done with that. You just need to get the basics setup.
Let's back track for a second once you booted did you get the setup screen?