Android App From Amazon

Copy the three newly downloaded zip files to your CWR bootable card. These files should not be unzipped.

I believe you still have CM7 on your Nook. In that case turn on your Nook and let it boot into CM7 (blue Android with the arrow circling). Next go into Settings>Applications>Manage applications>all and find Google Services Framework. Touch "Force stop" then "ok" then "Clear Data". Next touch the home button and then power off.

Insert bootable CWR card and boot into CWR.
Go to mounts and storage>format /system>Yes
Go to mounts and storage>format /data>Yes
Go to wipe cache partition>Yes
Go to advanced>Wipe Dalvik Cache>Yes

Then go install zip from card and choose Nook 1.2 zip file. Once this has flashed return to main CWR screen and hold the power button until device turns off. Remove card and boot into Nook 1.2.
If you have successfully booted into the stock Nook software go to Settings>Device Info>Erase & Deregister Device and erase/deregister. Let me know where that brings you. If it just goes back to the home screen you will probably want to reboot. At that point you should be completely factory fresh.

*Optional* If it has you go through the setup again use your gmail account to register your Nook with B&N. Once registration is complete power down your Nook.

Insert bootable CWR card and boot into CWR.
Go to mounts and storage>format /system>Yes
Go to mounts and storage>format /data>Yes
Go to wipe cache partition>Yes
Go to advanced>Wipe Dalvik Cache>Yes

Then go install zip from card and choose CM7 7.1.0 zip file. Next go install from card and choose Gapps zip file. Once this has flashed return to main CWR screen and hold the power button until device turns off. Remove card and boot into CM7.
If you have done everything correctly you should now be able to follow these steps to get the Google apps and get setup.

Setup Google Apps:
11. You will see blue text Android followed by CM7boot screen followed by a choice of or Setup Wizard.
12. Choose Setup Wizard.
13. Touch the Android to begin.
14. Choose skip at google account.
15. Choose next use location.
16. Select time zone, check automatic then next.
17. Press the n button.
18. Then Menu>Settings>Wireless & networks>Wi-Fi settings and connect to your network.
19. Once connected use the Back button twice.
20. Choose Accounts & sync from the menu. Add account>Google.
21. Choose next.
22. Sign in with your Google account.
23. Click OK.
24. Select the Google apps to install (recommend Gmail, Google Maps, Google Voice andYouTube). Click OK.
25. Click Accept.
26. Click each selected app to download it.
27. Choose if you want to use backup & restore, click next.
28. Click Finish setup.

You have now completed the major portion of the setup and can run CM7 J

Extra setup -

Menu>Settings>CyogenMod settings>Performance>CPUsettings>Max CPU frequency: 925MHz, Set on boot checked.
Menu>Settings>CyogenMod settings>Tablet tweaks>Choosesoft-buttons: add Home, set others to preference.
Menu>Settings>CyogenMod settings>Tablettweaks>Choose unhide button> Vol+ or Vol-
Menu>Settings>Applications: Check Unknown sources
Menu>Settings>ADWLauncher>Screenpreferences>Deskto p Columns: 8
Last note please check in as you progress so we can spot any errors as you encounter them rather than having you get all the way through and say it isn't working without knowing where we are running into issues.

Most of the steps are at the detailed level but since we have been through this a couple of times a few are more general.

Ask if you have any questions or aren't sure.
thank you for posting everything. It is 5:30am here right now, have done a lot of sleeping since my surgery. I will try to get this done today as I think I might actually be feeling alittle better. Soon as I do I will let you know my progress. Oh I have my actuall Nook software on my device, but am unable to bring the keyboard up. So do I still need the following too.


I just re-downloaded the files and after I hear from you again I will proceed. Don't know if I should be in Nook software or Android software.

Glad you're feeling a little better. Those files are ok but as long as we are trying everything from scratch we should update your CWR from to You can find the file here

If you are in stock Nook that is ok. Boot into stock and insert your CWR boot card after it is up and running. Go to Settings>Device Info>SD Card>Unmount and then format the disk. This gives you a factory fresh SD card to work with.

Insert the card into your PC then right click win32diskimager and run as administrator. Select the CWR image from above and write it to your sd card.

Finally copy the CM7, GApps and Nook 1.2 zip files onto the card. Power down the Nook, insert the card reboot and let me know if you successfully booted into CWR.
ok on my nook thats just it I can't get into it. Its start doing a setup but then when it wants my info the keyboard won't stay up so I can type everything in. I can't get into my nook color.
Have been trying to find win32diskimage, can't find it on this forum? I;m sorry I am taking so long but I am in pain and going back to bed. I really appreciate everything you are doing for me. I will get back on here when I get up, just can't do it right not. My pain pills are starting to kick in.
ok on my nook thats just it I can't get into it. Its start doing a setup but then when it wants my info the keyboard won't stay up so I can type everything in. I can't get into my nook color.

Is this from the last time or have you done some of the steps this time and are stuck at the setup? At this point in the newly posted step by step we haven't even started. We should just be getting your CWR card setup. Please let me know a) if this is the condition you have been stuck in from last time and b) what version your bootable CWR card is and what zip files are on it.

Hopefully win32disk image is still installed on your computer. If you deleted the downloaded file but didn't uninstall that is ok. If not you can find it here

Thank you.
Last edited:
this is from last time trying to put it back to factory. Does anyone else have as much trouble as I am having?
Not usually. Sometimes there are issues like the one you experienced though. I know it seems like a lot but all of the steps are pretty straight forward and I have explained them in great detail. you must follow them exactly though and proceed one step at a time. If anything does't match up or gives you a different result you need to let me know so we don't get off track.

Errors compound and make the issues worse, like missing the initial setup the first time you booted into CM7 and not being able to get back to it.
ok I am awake and want to start but like I said I can't get into my nook so now what
Let's start from the beginning once again.

Have you done anything to your bootable CWR disk?
Does it still work?
What files are on it?

Have you downloaded and save the linked files to your PC?

Do you still have win32diskimager on your PC?

Thank you.
I reformatted my Sd card and am right now putting the files onto it. So I have all 5 files on it so now I need to unzipped the win32diskimager, the right click, run as administrator the put the recover clockwork on it?
I saw a lot of people getting in in trouble like you. I don't think is that easy but follow your guru J P and you'll succed,if not and you want to give up, you can always buy the Cm 7 card pepared by somebody else.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum