Android Market and more on Coby Kyros 1126 (no root)


Jan 6, 2012
First post, so first of all hi to everyone !!!

I've installed the android market, maps, gmail, and other things following this video, it's ment for 7022, but worked just fine for me.

How install android market on coby Kyros 7022 - YouTube


As you all now, this market is the old version but the only one that worked for me and it doesn't find stuff we all want like, skype, flash, etc. There's a new market patch but I haven't tried that one yet, when I confirm it's working I'll post it.

Now the good part, you guys remember the Applanet app? That project seems to be dead, but not the Blackmarket Alpha. This app is a secondary market i've used to install, flash, skype, facebook, and many other free stuff your official market can't find (piracy is ilegal, that's up to you).
Another good thing is that is shows all your applications installed and the updates available, not like official market, appslib or apk installer, although I recommend using the settings-applications-manage applications menu to remove them.

Gmail (don't update, ii'll crash)
Maps (don't update, ii'll crash)
Google Earth
Smart Keyboard (best android keyboard ever)
Adobe reader
Blackmoon AttachSave
Dolphin HD Browser
Flash Player (the installation went ok but there's no Flash Player Settings on the apps menu, but it seem to work just fine)

Not Working:

I've attached the Blackmarket Alpha.

I hope this helps you ;)


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Nice, thanks.

I have the same tab and have Market, NetFlix (1.2.1) Amazon Apps, FB, App2SD etc on it. I've had it since the Wed after Christmas
and I love it. I had the 1125 and gave it to my son, too big and heavy. The 1126 is smaller, lighter and great. The best thing is the battery time. I'm getting 7-9 hours of fun time out of it any way longer if I'm just reading my books.
REALLY glad I went with this one.
My daughter got the 8120 today and I had it all set up with the good stuff in about 20 minutes (I'm not that good with the resistive screen).

Do you have the latest Android Market aplication and all the apps available to download?

How did you manage to do that?, I find it impossible to make it work, only the old market with a lot of apps missing

I have the coby 1126. Where do you go to install the android market and how. Please help. Thank in advance.

Download the files on my previous post link to your pc, conect the coby thru usb to your computer, turn on storage on your device and transfer the files to the root directory.

Unplug and turn storage off, using es explorer go to the root directory and install them following the order of the youtube video link, do not open any of the apps yet, first reboot, when asked check use by default and hit launcher, go to market and sing in to you're google account, and you are all set.
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