Android Market


Oct 17, 2010
I loaded the Android Market hack and now I can load apps from that source, however, even though I configured a credit card in Google, when I try to download a non-free app it will convert the price to Euros and I get a message that my credit card is invalid.

Is it possible that the version of the Android Market hack that I used is only intended for European customers and that an entirely different version is needed for U.S. customers? If so, where would I get the U.S. version - and please, don't try to send me to any type of bit-torrent. They are totally useless and appear to be nothing more then an attempt to spread trojans and viruses.
I somehow doubt that. It seems like a regional seetings issue. When I was in the UK, the pricees showed in pounds. When in germany the prices showed in euros and now I am in México, the prices show as pesos!