See more Market apps on Archos Market fix

Edit: I neglected to tell you I used this Google Market hack. After a reboot I ended up with the latest version of Android market
Downloads - archos-apps-installer - Project Hosting on Google Code

However once you do that, only some of the apps appear.

Try searching for Copilot, Titanium Backup, or even any of the Home Replacements, like ADW Launcher or Launcherpro, nothing appears.
Here's a fix:

Go to your Application settings > Manage Applications > Running Tab
Find Market > Force Stop then Clear Cache (Do NOT press clear data)
Find Google Services > Clear Data then Force Stop
If you try to run Market now you will get a data connection error.

Now you will see EVERYTHING on the market.
To test, do a search for Copilot, ADW Launcher, Launcherpro or Titanium Backup.

It worked great on my Archos 70 250GB Internet Tablet.

great fix, worked like a charm thanks
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After the market fix has been applied, I see most applications but not all. From my experience on the DroidX, this is usually an issue with the build.prop not reporting a valid ROM to google.
For example, I can search on my DX for "wii controller ime" and find the app. My Archos 101 does not.
I found a better way, there is an app called marketenabler I had when I flashed ultimatedroid on my nookcolor.

I put it on my Archos, spoofed a Verizon device and it actually enabled all apps on my Archos no problem.

Sent from my A70H using Android Tablet Forum

It DOES require Root, though (I think).
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I see the same behaviour on my A70, where the market is not always consistent. Also, I cannot find Google Maps and Voicesearch for example. In my previous install (same 2.2.1 level, same market hack) I -could- find them ..... Can somebody share some experiences with a different market hack like gAppsForArchos2.apk - can it find all apps and is it stable and consistent?

I've used these two on my archos 101it, and have had no trouble installing all google apps, including an updated Market, but only to android 3 level market. Still much better than the original archos market.