Another Newbie Here


Nov 10, 2012
After working on a computer for 15 years, I still only knew what they taught me to work in a call center. So in 2000, I decided it was time to buy my own, so I could learn to do other things with a computer. I got a new compac and signed up for a class at the local community college. They cancelled the class and I was on the way to carry my book back, when I realized I had more sense than the teachers over there, so went back home and opened the book. I am still learning, but have also learned so much. My daughter got a kindle for christmas last year. I bought a google android in July this year. And I am starting all over again. It is a strange creature. So I will need and hope to get some help here. Thank you for this forum. adra
Hi Adra, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!