Any way to have single text number to both phone and tablet??


Jan 28, 2011
Sometimes I might want to text from my Android Phone, and sometimes from my future Android Tablet, but I don't really want two text-numbers.

Is there a way to setup so that my single phone(TEXT) number can be used to/from both my phone and my tablet??

Obviously, it really wouldn't be practical to give two text numbers to everyone that might text me, and say, you better text to both numbers, you never know which(tablet or phone) I have with me.
As far as I know... no. I've never seen 2 identical SIM cards active at the same time in the comercial world. Phone companies just won't do it.
I have my google voice number set up, this allows me to have any android device running for text from that number....
Yes, google voice it the way to get it done. However, each text you send counts against any limit your cell carrier imposes even if you are texting to in network phones. The reason for this is you incoming and out going texts through google voice are considered 3rd party. Same thing with making phone calls with google voice. It is convenient but could cost you a bundle. Your better off (depending on you data plan) getting emails to your devices or using IM.
hmmmm, I think I get charged that way anyways... I don't seem to have the text functionality in my Google Voice, the help says to select "Compose", but I don't have a "Compose" option anywhere... I must not have something setup right?? :-/
You have to get a google voice number before sms will work.