Anyone know of an app for reading Google Books magazines?


May 11, 2011
One of my favorite sites is Google Books, not for actual books but for scanned copies of various magazines. There are quite a few available but some of my favorites are Life and Popular Science. Every issue is available (up to the late 2000s anyway) cover to cover with all the original ads. It's a fantastic site if you're not aware of it. Here's the start page for Life:

LIFE - Google Books

I haven't been able to figure out how to get to these in the Google Books app on the A500 (maybe there isn't a way). Viewing them in any tablet browser I've tried is useless.

Is anyone aware of an app that will do this, preferably in the same fashion as the Zinio magazine reader app.?
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You can view them in a browser, (I used Opera, it seemed to work better), but I don't believe you can download them to the tablet
If you want to read them offline, and the book is free but not able to be viewed. you can use a GBook Downloader. It normally saves the book into either a PDF or JPG formate for the pages. The JPGs can be combined for a Comic Book Reader for Android.
I use gbooksdownloader. It is free, works on Windows only (works fine on W7) and found in a howtogeek blog a while back. I am not recommending it as the best product. As there may be others. The biggest annoyance is you must manually rename the file to fit what you downloaded and some other quirks. But it works fine for my needs.
It works nicely...thanks! It's just too bad there's not a more elegant solution for these...I get such a kick out of reading about computers back in the 80s. Not to mention the ads...