How to Get Free E-books

My question in regards to all these "free books" is, do the authors get paid?

After all they spend many long hours churning out these books. My daughter is an author and it is suppose to be her income. As I can see it - a thankless task. And as far as price is concerned a few bucks for an ebook is not going to break the bank and it is certainly cheaper than buying the hard copy.

I agree with published works that are long past their copy right period (75 years) should be free, but think of all those struggling modern authors trying to make a buck - it is really "stealing".

I'm sorry but I'm baised here.
My question in regards to all these "free books" is, do the authors get paid?

I'm pretty sure companies like Amazon and B&N wouldn't be dumb enough to expose themselves to copyright lawsuits by giving away copyrighted material. Their attorneys would probably stroke out at the mere thought.

They must come to some agreement with the authors whereby they compensate them a certain amount for every book they give away or perhaps buy the rights to the book outright, before offering it for free. I've also noticed many of the free books are the beginning book of a new series, and suspect the author may be offering it as a free sample in order to get the series off to a good start and promote the sale of the remainder of the series. Maybe even some combination of these things.

If you're concerned enough, why don't you contact one of the authors or perhaps the publishers and see if they'll tell what's going on. They're the only ones who'd know for sure. If you find out anything, let us know, I'm a little curious now myself.
I'll let you know when I find out. I'm beginning to suspect some dishonesty with a few publishers.

I'm not having a shot at anyone on this thread - I was just asking and I did state that I am a little biased (spelt correctly this time).:confused:
I know that Amazon compensates authors for copyrighted books they offer for free. They have agreements with the authors before the books are offered.

Good to know for sure, I couldn't imagine they weren't being compensated somehow.
Okay, I have a Toshiba(Android) Thrive Tablet and I can't figure out how to get free books. I'm not very good at figuring stuff out like this. I need help!
Just go to post #! of this thread and click the link for whichever site interests you. The links are a little different color than the rest of the text. When you get to the site, there should be instruction for selecting and downloading the books you're interested in. If it's a problem figuring out the tablet, click this link to the Toshiba Thrive forum and ask for help with it.
I only got my tablet a couple of months ago and so far I've only read comics on it using a comic reader, is it the same for reading ebooks? will i need a ebook reader and if so which is a good one. Thanks for the post/ thread Spider lots of very useful information on safe sources of ebooks .

There's also Baen free library at lots of good ebooks.


Oh Yes! The Honor Harrington space science fiction series is great! The author writes a great series in the far future of Earth and it's far flung space colonies.

I encourage those who like good quality science fiction to check it out.
Hi Juxxize, you can get some ebooks in formats that allow you to read them without an ebook reader, but it's like reading a document as opposed to reading a book. You can get a good quality reader free, just click this link for a discussion of some that are available. The links for downloading them are in the second post of that thread. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!
Wow....its awesome thanks for sharing the information spider ...really i don't know well about my tablet features on e-book..thanks for the information..
how i download free e-books?

Hi Aanaya, welcome to the forum. In each of the paragraphs of the first post to this thread describing a site, there's a link to that site. Just click on the link and when you arrive at the site, follow the instructions there. Many people prefer to do this on a computer and then transfer the book to their tablet. If you have any questions on how to do that with your particular tablet, I'm afraid you'll have to locate an Apple iPad forum and start a thread there asking your questions. Someone there should be able to help.
This is great post. Your all Ebook list is good enough. I use for download free Ebooks most of the time.
And today I got more unknown site from your shared link. Thanks for share.