apps problems


Jun 10, 2012
I have a Superpad III 10.2, android tab10, version V2.3 2912-01-05(001112), kernel version root@wanghua-desktop#504, build number frf85b.

My problem is I am a disabled amatuer astrononer and have difficulty setting up at night, I desperatley need Google Sky Map to help me set up, but I cannot get it to work, I have downloaded it all right, but when I start it the first screen I get is a terms of service with accept or decline icons, but no matter how much I press the screen there is no response (as if screen frozen) after about 5 seconds it tablet reverts to home apps page, I just cannot get past this screen. No other apps are affected the same way and all work ok, I cannot ascertain wether it is the tablet or Sky Map where the problem lies, have since downloaded a gps program and a you tube access, all seem to have the same problem they all need to access the internet to energise, but all stop working, yet I have full access to my wifi internet on the tablet.
further update on problems, as i have said standard embedded apps like games, book readers, appsmanager etc work alright, iy seems that apps that need to acces the net do not, heres another one, I live near London, UK, yet my gps test tells me my loaction latitude and lontitude read as in China!!!!!!, yet time setting is correct
Welcome to the forum

Love Google Sky Map. Now let's address your problem as the guess it's your WiFi is probably a good one and would explain your problems. The quickest possible fix is to power your router down for 30 seconds. After it's powered back up, restart your tablet.

If you don't see an improvement try a long press on the connection and tell it "forget". Restart the tablet and try connecting again. Sometimes a channel change in the router can make all the difference, even if other devices seem to be working fine.

Report back with your results.
Welcome to the forum

Love Google Sky Map. Now let's address your problem as the guess it's your WiFi is probably a good one and would explain your problems. The quickest possible fix is to power your router down for 30 seconds. After it's powered back up, restart your tablet.

If you don't see an improvement try a long press on the connection and tell it "forget". Restart the tablet and try connecting again. Sometimes a channel change in the router can make all the difference, even if other devices seem to be working fine.

Report back with your results.

Thanks for rep, I have tried your suggestions, but still the same, even ditched my hub and went on roam to BTFON got connected but nothing changed, I am waiting at the mom, and should know tommorow, about a change of instalation from BTBROADBAND to BT INFINITY (Fibre Optic) I should get an instalation date tommorow, perhaps then I will be able to use if it is my wifi, in mean time should I try Lan via cable to hub!!, not uo to speed on hub's just a thought, I jave even dished and reloaded SKY MAP, here again another anomily, when tried to download it alway asks for an alternative and II have to use a dropdown menu whuch only gives one option, that is "CHINA TELECOM"!!!.


Brian (luppyd)
its not your router or connection i am afraid it is the piece of junk you are trying to run the software on, i have the same tab as you so after i read your post i installed sky map on my tab it installs ok but when i press accept the app shuts down every time. regarding your chinese maps everyone has this problem they embedded in the tab somewhere.The china Telecom can be addressed if your tab is rooted you need to alter the build.prop and framework.jar files
Thanks for feed back, suspected as much, feel a bit conned now, will probably let my grandson have pad as he loves "Angry Birds", should have gone for an IPAD in the first place, or does any one out there have a proceedure to flasf a new system on or firmware upgrade.

regards, Brian (luppyd)

its not your router or connection i am afraid it is the piece of junk you are trying to run the software on, i have the same tab as you so after i read your post i installed sky map on my tab it installs ok but when i press accept the app shuts down every time. regarding your chinese maps everyone has this problem they embedded in the tab somewhere.The china Telecom can be addressed if your tab is rooted you need to alter the build.prop and framework.jar files
it will not make any difference these tablets are rubbish and only fit for sending emails and surfing the net and really they are not very good at that.