Archos 101, OTA updates and UrukDroid


Jun 24, 2011
I have successfully installed URUKDroid on my rooted Archos 101. I got an OTA notice for an available firmware upgrade. If I install the upgrade, will it negate the URUKdroid installation? Would it enhance the performance of URUDroid? My first post, and I would appreciate any information.
I would not update the firmware via ota. It will overwrite urukdroid as I believe. I'll be installing this soon to my archos as well. But with my experience with custom roms and company updates on my phone, chaos will accure if the two firmwares try to overwrite each other.

Superpad Support Dev Sent from my LGV Ally
Thanks for your response. Your experience confirms my suspicion about the OTA. As a matter of interest, the easy root method I used on my Archos did allow for installation of Android 2.3.26 as an alternative OS. It did, obviously, have to be installed during the root process, avoiding the conflict an OTA would cause. Thanks again for the advice.
Anytime. I'll be isntalling urukdroid firmware soon so I can see what all the fus is all about and support archos users on it. I need root so I can port things from this tablet to my other 10inch tablet.

Superpad Support Dev Sent from my LGV Ally
Anytime. I'll be isntalling urukdroid firmware soon so I can see what all the fus is all about and support archos users on it. I need root so I can port things from this tablet to my other 10inch tablet. Superpad Support Dev Sent from my LGV Ally
You will not be disappointed... I installed it yesterday and instead of constantly trying to make my archos 101 faster (unhappy with the speed a response), I am now content and can use as a tablet from now on. Urukdroid is magic....
I installed it last night. So according to what I understand on this... my old android firmware is still installed on the archos? But having the ability to boot up to which ever (stock or uruk) via recovery?
I'm dissapointed in the loss of some archos apps but I do like it. Wonder if the firmware is editable for me to create another rom off of it? Hmmm

Superpad Support Dev Sent from my LGV Ally
Depending on yuor installation choice, you should be able to boot to stock by holding down the + volume key when turning the tablet on or during re-boot. Of course, if you opted to remove the archos firmware, you can simply revert to dual boot by reinstalling 2.3.26 or other version.
I'm updating the stock firmware now so i will see how it turns out

Sent from my A101IT using Android Tablet Forum
The 2 firmwares will not collide with one another.

Sent from my Ally using Android Tablet Forum
You will not be disappointed... I installed it yesterday and instead of constantly trying to make my archos 101 faster (unhappy with the speed a response), I am now content and can use as a tablet from now on. Urukdroid is magic....
Same here - just went thru installing UD today, and I am impressed by the difference it makes.

Even with the processor being clocked up to 1 GHz, as I had done yesterday, rooting via the Developer's Edition, it did slow down drastically at times. UrukDroid is very polished, well documented and maintained.

Excellent. :)