Archos 70 or Nook Color


Oct 28, 2010
I have been looking at getting a Android tablet and had thought about going with the Archos 70 internet tablet. But I've spent the last week here on the Nook Color forum and I'm now think the Nook Color maybe a better tablet. The lack of a camera isn't that big of a deal, my only fear is rooting the tablet. I've read all about how to root the Nook Color, I'm just confused with how to root if it has the new 1.1. Read this Auto-Nooter 3.0.0 (1.1 only) - xda-developers and looks like I just could do it maybe, or I've seen were you have to flash it back to 1.0.1 to root. Would I better off with Nook Color and rooting it to get Android tablet or the Archos 70 internet tab.

Hi nomadjm, have no fear rooting is easy and you can root from any version of the B&N software. There are plenty of people here to help you out so don't let rooting be a deciding factor when tere is nothing to it.

Start here, there is a lot of information but it isn't really too bad once you get down to it. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
J5150P offers excellent advice. I found that the biggest hurdle in rooting my nook color was remaining patient enough to read the how-tos and docs without running ahead and attempting to do it with only partial information. Using autonooter is basically as simple as copying a file to an SD card and booting up the nook color with that card inserted.
I just followed a step by step video on YouTube to do it the first time and it was pretty easy. Do a search for root nook and you can see how simple it is. Hope that's helpful.
Speaking of simple if I can do anyone can. I went autonooter to side load cm7. It is nerve racking a little but like they said patience is a must. You would be happy with the nook!!
Thanks guys, maybe I'll go to B&N and pick up a Nook Color here in a week or two. When I do I'll go thru the Intro that you sent me J5150P and if I have any other questions I'll post for further help.

Good plan. You will find the little nook full of good surprises. :)