Autonooter 3.0 question - do I need to wipe data?


Feb 5, 2011
I bought my nook color last weekend, I intend to root it tomorrow (finally got my SD cards today... and then promptly forgot the nook at work...) Anyways I was reading through the how-to and see that I need to wipe and do a factory reset.

The only thing I have done with my nook is update to 1.1 and browse the internet. Can I hold down power and N and just stop there? Or do I need to reboot 8 times then wipe, then reinstall 1.1 then reset?

Seems like I would not gain anything from the reset since I have not doninstalled anything..

Thanks for the advice ahead of time.
So you have NOT rooted yet? If you haven't rooted yet, just follow the Autonooter instructions. No need to reset as you are already on the factory software. Take your time and follow the steps. You'll be fine.
Correct... No root.. no books yet nothing. I bought this after doing a lot of searching and reading here and over at Xda.. I have experience with android phones but I like to be super safe, and confident in my process before doing anything..
I have burned the Autonooter SD.. and right now an doing HC just to play with it.. probably will try that before rooting.. I am soo annoyed I left it at work, been waiting since Sunday for the SD cards.. oh well I probably will get more sleep this way. hah

Thanks.. for the help.
If updated to 1.1 or your NC came with 1.1, don't wipe just root with autonooter 3.0 only.