ARCHOS G9 Tablets will get Ice Cream Sandwich Within Next Two Weeks


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

Archos just released an official statement sharing that their G9 tablets will be receiving the Android 4.0/Ice Cream Sandwich update within the next two weeks. Originally, they announced back in January that they planned to have the update out by February, but they ended up missing that deadline. Their newest statement on their Facebook page apologizes for the delay and assures us that the update is almost here. Above is the Facebook post.

Source: AndroidPolice and Facebook - Archos
It's nice that they are delivering it - and explaining why, when.

We have a lot of people waiting for a promised ICS upgrade for their Le Pan tablets, and it keeps getting rolled back, then back some more. No official posts, tech support will reply if asked.

Le Pan's Facebook page took a lot of flak when they posted their ICS upgrade was delayed since Google did not release the Source code for it. This was posted in February, and started a storm of replies from users that knew ICS source was public in early November.

Have a LP1 myself, was burned by their reneged promise of a later upgrade for it (ICS, or at least Gingerbread), so I am watching sceptically.

We have an Archos as well, but it's Gen 8, and only has a measly 256 MB of RAM (woot), so no ICS for it. UrukDroid runs much better on it than the Archos official firmware.
Archos makes well-mannered hardware at their price point and whether they update them further than ICS or not this is a good deal for what you get. I have to admit the idea is a good and the costing is good too. Go-ahead Archos.