Are there any problems after Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 upgrade to Android 4.0.4?


Jul 30, 2012
I heard recently that Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 offered to be upgrade to Android 4.0.4 in Europe countries officially. But it's not available in Australia yet. I am thinking of manually upgrade it follow those instructiona people posted on the net. Can someone tell me is there any problem after upgrade? Should I upgrade my lovely Galaxy tab 7.7 now or wait for officially upgrade from Samsung?
I'm running the Austrian ICS ROM on my Brazilian Tab with no issues.

The ROM works like a charm.

Enviado de meu GT-P6800 usando o Tapatalk 2
Hi forum, I faced a problem with upgrading to ICS,Before ICS firmware I can play games without any problem in Honey comb, But after ICS some game can't get the resolution display, like white box in characters or white screen on games, How can i fix this problem? Also lost my flash player plun-in for web browsing, Any body know that probs? Pls guide me a way to fix this problems here or to my mail
HC To ICS seem a major upgrade.
Have you try factory data reset?

*Note: It will wipe all your data and games/apps.
I think you should wait for the update because I’ve heard many saying that they have faced some problems after updating manually. I’m not sure about the problem, but I think you’ll not be happy with it.
Only problem is wifi drop...
That seem like generic issue across ICS firmware... :(

Flash it, root it, custom it and theme will love it.

That is Android :)
Just upgraded to ICS 4.0.4 via kies yesterday. Everythings seem to work fine except wifi. Cannot connect to my home wifi. Is there anybody who experience same problem?
Cannot connect to my home wifi.

Hi Ray...

Try as follow:
1. Forget/delete all wifi setting.
- Power off your router about 2 to 3 min.
- Restart your router.
- Reboot your Tab.
- Try reconnect.


2. Factory data reset your Tab.

Keep us inform how it go.