Asus Eee Pad Slider

My Slider was delivered's not sluggish at all. I bought it because of the Asus name and keyboard combo. Only complaint is the sound....non existent. Fortunately, I had purchased a USB very tiny, but powerful speaker for my last tablet that takes care of this.

I hope someone here can help me with one problem. I don't like a bunch of icon/widgets cluttering the interface. Is there any way to organize them into folders on the desktop such as Utilities, Internet, Games etc. I know I can put them on separate desktop screens, but this is not functional.

Thanks for any input.
Received my Slider on 9/28. So far, very impressed. After reading a few reviews I was afraid it would be to heavy, but I don't see the problem. After all, it's only 1/2 lb more than the Transformer. The keyboard also makes a great reading stand, holding the screen at a comfortable angle. Since you can easily set it up like this, you don't have to hold it, so it counteracts the added weight.

Performance wise, it feels very quick and a joy to use.
I really wanted one but I caved yesterday and bought the Transformer/keyboard combo, really hoping I don't regret it, I suppose the incredible battery life will be somewhat of a consolstion.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Android Tablet Forum
I hope someone here can help me with one problem. I don't like a bunch of icon/widgets cluttering the interface. Is there any way to organize them into folders on the desktop such as Utilities, Internet, Games etc. I know I can put them on separate desktop screens, but this is not functional.

Thanks for any input.

I know exactly what you mean, you can organize folders by creating empty folders and moving icons into them... but instead of doing that I'd recommend taking it to the next step with this app:

Folder organizer allows you to create labels and complex dynamic folders that update automatically. With those folders you can make links on the desktop or direct widgets. Tablet support included.
Thank you so solved my problem!

I know exactly what you mean, you can organize folders by creating empty folders and moving icons into them... but instead of doing that I'd recommend taking it to the next step with this app:

Folder organizer allows you to create labels and complex dynamic folders that update automatically. With those folders you can make links on the desktop or direct widgets. Tablet support included.

I'm trying to find out more about the Slider. I've entered a competition on facebook to win one ( and am quite tempted by the idea of owning one.

If I don't win it (fairly good chance of that lol) is it actually worth going out and buying? I don't have a tablet at the moment but can see the appeal. Is it hard to use - if you are used to a Windows computer?

Lea x
I've had my slider for about 2 weeks. I love it. Really loving the form factor--perfect for my needs.

However, there is a problem with the keyboard in that it does not always register when I type. Particularly e and n so I've been trying to navigate ASUS's RMA process. Not easy, their English language skills are lacking.

I will probably just return it where I bought it for a refund and start over with a new one. Kinda frustrating but i guess it happens. It doesn't seem to be a widespread problem as I can't find anyone else complaining about it.
One thing I was curious about was whether it had any kind of pointing device on the keyboard.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
i have an eee pad slider its awsome like a lil computer but it runs android...... i watch netflix and do school work and everything..... i love that i can plug a mouse in and use it. no problems yet...... im just suprised the battery last longer then my new hp laptop....

Sent from my Slider SL101 using Android Tablet Forum