Asus Eee Pad Slider

Hi all! I am new to the forum, and hate to admit but i am somewhat technologically challenged. I was just curious if any of you have tried using an external dvd burner for burning or watching dvds on your slider. I have not yet committed to making the leap yet from a laptop to a tablet, however if i do it will definitely be a the Asus slider.
Hi all! I am new to the forum, and hate to admit but i am somewhat technologically challenged. I was just curious if any of you have tried using an external dvd burner for burning or watching dvds on your slider. I have not yet committed to making the leap yet from a laptop to a tablet, however if i do it will definitely be a the Asus slider.

Currently, there are no DVD burners that work for the Transformer or Sliders. It comes down to drivers.

At the same time, I find it much more convenient to rip my DVDs to digital mp4 using the DVD Catalyst software and then I can take about 25 with me on a 32 GB microSD card and have no extra devices to carry. A binder with 25 DVD's plus a DVD player will be much much bulkier. I can even put more on an external 1TB notebook drive, which is still about the size of a DVD drive.
Thanks alot for the info Frederuco, I see by all the posts you've responded to that you seem to be a bit of a guru on the slider. I'm sure I'll have many more questions after I have mine in hand. Ordering it tonight, since there isn't anywhere nearby to pick one up.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Android Tablet Forum
Thanks alot for the info Frederuco, I see by all the posts you've responded to that you seem to be a bit of a guru on the slider. I'm sure I'll have many more questions after I have mine in hand. Ordering it tonight, since there isn't anywhere nearby to pick one up.

I am not a slider guru, but I am an ASUS Transformer guru. Basically the same thing though, just a different case.
Has anyone tried using pdanet to tether their slider? I tried to do this and had limited success, however after clearing the proxy as per the instructions and closing the app I was unable to connect to wifi, I tried opening marketplace and it would open, but when I would select apps or music "no connection" would appear on my screen with the options cancel or retry. I checked my settings and it showed I was connected, any help would be appreciated, or a successful app for tethering would be equally helpful. Thanks.

Sent from my DROID2 GLOBAL using Android Tablet Forum
You need to clear the proxy with AnyCut. I will look for the link to reset them.

If you still have PDAnet installed, be sure to clear the proxy settings. If not, you will have to reinstall it to clear them. You may also need to use AnyCut to clear them.

I have not done it myself, but most users can figure it out pretty quickly.

You can try this guide to see if it helps:

The other option is to do a factory reset.
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I selected clear proxy under my wireless settings, but ended up having to do a factory reset anyway. Not a real big deal but a nuisance, will other tethering apps like barnacle require the use of any cut? Thanks alot for your help.
I have not heard of having to do that with barnacle.

PDAnet is a PITA and more trouble than it is worth IMO.

I have tethered to my iPhone (paid tethering plan) and I do not have to use any apps on my tablet to do so.
Hi everyone,

I got my slider last week as a gift and it is awesome!;) The weight is fine at around 2.1 lbs and it's features, especially its keyboard, are fantastic. My friend and I did a ipad2 to slider comparison and my slider did just as good in all areas if not better. There is one thing that his ipad seemed to do better playback in its browser. For example, whenever I go to espn and see a video in the browser, it does not buffer, it plays it streaming and produces a poor choppy experience. His browser always buffers it and plays a much better video. I've since tried different browsers such as Dophin HD, Opera, xScope, and Skyfire. My flash is up to date, my internet connection is excellent and I have no other issues. Have any of you seen this or does anyone have a solution to this? Even if there is no solution, this slider tablet is too good to give up over just that.
Well it looks like it got fixed (using Opera). This Asus Slider is so responsive and awesome to use, so happy with it. Just thought I'd give you an update on this since it appears that no one really was experiencing what I was.

Asus Slider SL101 32GB
I have never owned an ANDROID product, not even a smart phone. My BEAUTIFUL girlfriend bought me an ASUS Slider SL101 32G, with 32G micro SD. It doesn't come with a tutorial video, or even an operator's manual. I had to request a downloadable one from ASUS, but that was so basic that it doesn't even tell you where the "delete" key is hidden. I did discover the delete key, but I don't have time to ferret out all the secrets of how to use this machine - I need to be taught how to use it, by a good guide. It seems to be a really great machine, probably the best tablet on the market, (per general review concensus) but it is a waste if I can't operate it. Seriously, I had to also "discover" that by dragging my finger across the glass, I could change screens. A non-pilot, given a state-of-the-art, 6 passenger, $7MIL LEAR jet will never get that bird off the ground. That's me. Nice gift, but...
Suggestions, anyone?
Hi all, I'm a newbe with a brand new Asus Slider. I have an LG Optimus V from Virgin Mobile and for $25/mo I have 350 minute but unlimited text and data. I got WIFI hotspot for my phone and now I connect my Slider at work all day long to my phone and get to the internet. No problem.

Now I'm trying to find out how to bu my ROM so I can try rooting my slider and trying some of the newer ROM's on it. Anyone have any instructions? There were a couple mentions of poor documentation for the Asus and that is true. Being a windows person it took me awhile to work my way around the android but it's getting there. Maybe we should try to write our own Android users manual?????
I've been trying to tether my Droid 2 with my Asus Slider. I have PdaNet Tablet installed on my Slider and Foxfi and PdaNet installed on my Droid 2 but it's still not working. Anyone have a reason why? I'm about to burst and just buy a mobile hot spot or concede to Verizon's plan. I'm not very tech savy so this may be easily resolved. PLEASE help.
As for documents, I'm currently using Polaris Office and it seems to get the job done. Although highlighting and even finding a delete button is impossible for me on the Slider.
Hi all, I'm a newbe with a brand new Asus Slider. I have an LG Optimus V from Virgin Mobile and for $25/mo I have 350 minute but unlimited text and data. I got WIFI hotspot for my phone and now I connect my Slider at work all day long to my phone and get to the internet. No problem.

Now I'm trying to find out how to bu my ROM so I can try rooting my slider and trying some of the newer ROM's on it. Anyone have any instructions? There were a couple mentions of poor documentation for the Asus and that is true. Being a windows person it took me awhile to work my way around the android but it's getting there. Maybe we should try to write our own Android users manual?????

I assume by "bu my ROM" you are talking about backing up?

No need to back up the ROM, you can download it from ASUS.

To backup apps you can use Titanium Backup after you root, or you can use the ASUS app that is installed called App Backup. Keep in mind that if you use App Backup your custom ROM will have to have this app installed.

If you want to root, check out the ViperMod method. It is listed for the Prime but it works on the TF101 and SL101. BE SURE TO USE OPTION 1!
Here is the link to ViperMod at XDA: