Asus Slider colour problems


Apr 6, 2012
Hello, I got my Asus Slider yesterday and have a problem. I was wondering if any other slider users can shed some light on it.

The colour seems to be very saturated. After reading up, I've found that this is kind of the norm for tablets but in this case
the colour seems to be extremely saturated. The white comes out greyish with a hint of green across all screens.

Also normal images seem to have pixelated sections. Only after research did i find that the tablets have a low colour gamut
(particularly android) but this seems very odd.

An image will display correctly (sharp) but tiny little pixels here and there will display in a totally different colour.

Is this normal?

Looking at some websites, I can see that:
- bright yellow comes out as green on the slider
- Blue comes out as grey
- Red as black
- Any dead pixels as read.

Any help is appreciated.
I can't say if it is normal or not, but I have a Slider too and my colors are not like that. They seem very saturated, but not to the point that things are incorrect colors, and I haven't noticed any pixelated areas at all. Just one experience, but I hope it helps.