Asus Transformer TF300 - View External SD Card in Windows


Jul 3, 2012
I was wondering if it was possible to view/add/delete the content of the external SD card that is plugged into my tablet in windows.
I have a Samsung Infuse that brings up both the internal and external sd cards in windows as drives, but it does not show when I connect my tablet, it just shows the internal not the external.


Hi Keith and welcome to the forum

I think, from my experience, that short of using the SD card in a card reader in your computer you have several "other" options that don't do exactly what you are asking. (hope I didn't muddy things too much)

Installing File Manager HD or ES File Explorer will let you do what you are asking from the tablet side. If you want to do it from the PC side get WiFi File Manager or WiFi File explorer and you will see the external memory and be able to manage it from your PC.