I rooted my NC using autonooter 3. It worked like a charm and I fell in love all over again with my NC. It was awesome using the market place adding my own apps. My problem started last night. When I tried to restart it would not even turn on. No android screen no big N nothing. I decided I might have to run autonooter again? Plugged it into my computer with my SD card installed and my nook would not run auto nooter again. It just went to the screen with the N on it and stopped. I unplugged it and tried to start it anyway. It hung at the same point. At this point it was late and I knew I had to work today so I just left it alone and went to sleep. About two am I got up for a drink and had to go look at my NC. I know obsessive much?? When I check it had a big download error with a status bar downloading an update. It was updating my NC from I think 1.1.0 to ??? It now starts and I can not go to my home screen or zeam but I can use my library and other apps on my NC.
Anyway my question is what did I do wrong and what happened really and what should I do next. I did enjoy zeam but am unsure that I should use auto nooter again. On my settings it says my software in unknown. As I am such a noob I didn't make a copy of my NC prior to using it.
I know this is convoluted and possibly more information than needed but any help is appreciated.

Anyway my question is what did I do wrong and what happened really and what should I do next. I did enjoy zeam but am unsure that I should use auto nooter again. On my settings it says my software in unknown. As I am such a noob I didn't make a copy of my NC prior to using it.
I know this is convoluted and possibly more information than needed but any help is appreciated.