Barnes & Noble to Launch a $349 Android Tablet with the Nook Color 2?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Barnes & Noble to Launch a $349 Android Tablet with the Nook Color 2? by Pathik Shah | Saturday, 24th Sep 2011

Barnes & Noble, which was almost on the brink of extinction last year with its entire market being disrupted by Amazon, was revived by a product which no one expected would be a hit – the Nook Color.

B&N launched the Nook Color last year to compete with the Amazon Kindle. It wasn’t much of an ebook reader, but to the delight of many a Android fan, it could be turned into a very capable Android tablet. Coupled with the excellent pricing, it turned into one of the most popular Android tablets in 2010.

Amazon, which was focusing only on e-ink displays, saw the potential for a cheap Android based ebook reader and will likely launch its Android tablet soon.
Barnes & Noble isn’t lying still, and has been working on an upgrade to the Nook Color too. Apparently, according to a report by The Digital Reader, it plans to launch two new devices this year:
1. An upgrade to the Nook Color priced at $249 (code-named Encore)
2. Another Android tablet, priced at $349 with better hardware and possibly, a larger display (code-named Acclaim)

We don’t have any details about the exact specifications, but we should see some official updates soon, considering that they would be aiming to launch it before the holiday season.