Battery saver?


Jan 14, 2011
I was wondering if deleting the phone.apk and telephony.apk save a lot of battery. I remember reading somewhere that it does cuz its like alyways looking for a signal but idk. Thanx for the help!!!

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Don't remove phone.apk. other stuff depends on it.

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Something I found that might interest you since you are asking about the telephony.apk. Android Developers Blog: Best Practices for Honeycomb and Tablets Evidently some of the app developers are putting this in their code (as a normal part of their programming, not to be malicious I am sure) and if your device doesn't have it then when you go into the market it won't "see" the app if you don't have that installed. It basically tells your device that the app won't work on your device because it is not a telephone. At least that is the way I understood the article, someone please tell me if I am wrong.