Becoming Android-Angry?


Apr 14, 2011
I am getting VERY frustrated at the games and, run around, and endless chases..........

I have a blu-ray player w/internet I just hooked up today. TRY to use it and gives me a message I need to UPDATE the firmware. WHAT firmware? I type in the link to panasonic site, NOTHING. I bought a bill of goods, FALSE claims. WHY did I pay MORE for a web enabled unit that is NOT web enableable? (it does have a useless LAN port)

I tried to get my ooma going yesterday, yet another FALSE claim? NO NUMBERS in my area, told they have numbers allocated based on local units distributed to local stores. Well I bought my OOMA in a LOCAL store, so where is my number? I was told I HAD to elect to PAY $40+ and MOVE my home phone number to ooma, SOLD as an option ONLY if customer wanted. The plesant lady, she was nice but NO HELP, it FLASE advertising ON the BOX and elsewhere!

Now to TABLETS, I say tablets because I already bought my SECOND tablet! The first one a synet7lp, NO FLASH player due to OS being 2.1. So I spend double what I realy wanted to get FLASH. Nice elocity tablet but NO FLASH!

This is getting ABSURD! We have TWO iTOUCHs and both play ANY web content, including TV show video on network sites, via Quicktime, NO PROBLEMS!

I can not believe Adobie does NOT support FLASH on their website, the best I get is NOT SUPPORTED (my units).

OK maybe my blu-ray player is a bit old, nearly a whole year old, and my OOMA is over 30 days old from purchase date. I can't return it, too many days past purchase and I cona't USE it either.

Somebody needs to SUE them ALL for FALSE advertising and FRAUD, ie taking money under FLASE pretense!

What the 7734 is going on these days?

Mr Gadget
Update .........

My elocity froze up, decided to try reset, even tho elocity support told me I would losoe ALL data... I lucked out, everything seems there and working, again. One thing I noticed was I had it on charge while on standby, my thery is it does like being charged while sleeping. So from now on I will TURN it OFF before charging.

Afer trying several flashplayers I finaly found one that WORKED.. so I am a little happier now.

Still can not find the solitaire app I ahd on the synet7 I liked, everyone I ahve tried since is awkward/backward for a right heander.

Q? What about apps, that seem to be a problem as far as selection of sources, no market adn appslib says NOT compatable with my elocity?


Yea, my first tablet, an Archos 605 wifi was cool but wanted to stream with it and Archos stopped supporting the flash. Something should be done with these companies who don't support their products!
MrGadget, have you tried applying the latest firmware update from eLocity? It may address a number of issues that you may experiencing.