release 1st generation android media player of BeHooCell to Smart Your TV


Dec 5, 2010
0 has launched the 1st generation android –based wireless BeHooCell player of BeHooTV product line on Dec.4,2010. BeHooCell-1 is the first interactive engine client product specificlly for Home TV spot., which is small enough to be similar to that of Zippo lighter with flexible interfaces of USB host, USB slave, SD/MMC card slot for external file stroage and playback on TV by HDMI or compsite AV channel. BeHooCell-1 is designed on low-power ARM-core high performance embedded processor with Android 2.1 or 2.2 later for home applications like on-line web-surfing,HD-movie, music and radio,even education and shopping. Customers would enjoy their TV on internet by BeHooCell -1 ,which would make TV smarter instantly, easy to get,easy to comment and easy to feedback by BeHooCell. BeHooCell-1 could be powered by either portable standard USB power supply or directly from your TV usb port. has also released the innovative IR remote controller for BeHooCell,which is cost-effective with keyboard or mouse function per your like. BeHoo desktop,BeHoo APP store and others are ready and supported by First shippment would be around this Christmas. More information from .
BeHoo! – Smart Your TV.


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so what is this? I am still not sure, it just seems like a media player for the TV. The website has no information in regards to specs or prices.

I also found this interesting
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It kind of sound like google tv but not sure. But if it its that would be awesome because I was just thinking yesterday when knock off google tv's will be coming out

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Yes hopefully i have written behoo and hope to receive a reply soon
I have been in contact with Behoo and have found out some great information. this is straight from them
YES, BeHooCell 1 would come to market very soon, we are working with manufacturing partner at Shenzhen of CHINA, ideally first shippment would be among the Christmas Day,2010

1) BeHooTV product line takes many kinds of product shape, BeHooCell -1 is the first boy of BeHooTV. Frankly, we decided the project two years ago, originally on Windows CE embedded, android just from the beginning of this year. BeHooStick is ready now.

2)BeHooCell is the one similar to that of Google TV, but there are differences compared with the standard Googel TV, accpect for Size & Cost & PowerSaving and..

Every product should be designed with soul, which could refresh our thought to the times.

A)Easy to get, this is entry-level product level for 21 century.
We stick to design all the APPs for home users before TV from baby, to teenage ,to freshman, to U, or your wife, even to your Father and Mother. We want to provide one platform
product ,on which every member in family has right to get and use what he or she want .

B)Easy to comment, this is middle-end product level for 21 century.

We do some modification of andorid os with some service ongoing after BeHooCell running, You have the right to comment on what you have got or what you are seeing, listening.

C)Easy to get feedback, this is high-end product level for 21 century.

User of BeHooCell could have change to enjoy the feedback from his friend.

3)We would release more picture and video of BeHooCell 1

4)BeHooTV is not player, but engine to make your TV smarter instantly, BeHooTV is key to your dream.

Also some other notable information the price is not set but will be in a range of 129 to 150 usd and they are thinking about opening up a pre order list.

I hope this information helps and what do you all think about the price range? also is this something you would pre order?
That price seems reasonable. But what the heck are the specs?
still working on that information they are suppose to be coming out with a video soon showing us more information
good because I am still confused as to what it is but then again I still don't know what google tv is...
Mmm, sounds interesting, android tv is a hot topic recently.
but what's the main functionality?
it seems like my tv will be also occupied by android, those little green robots will be everywhere;)
The creators are hard at work finalizing everything and getting it ready for launch. So its understandable that they dont want to give out specs now that might change by the launch date. They have told me they are working hard to get these devices out by Christmas and when they have finalized the details they will let me know.
Here is a link to a preview video for behoo this is preview one and there is actually 4 previews done by the same person so check them all out
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