Benchmark Comparison of 3 ROMs

Thanks again WhiteWhiskers.
I turned off Ethernet and now WiFi is working in CyanogenMod - Nice. Now I have another ROM to explore!
Now I have another ROM to explore!
I was having two big problems with CyanogenMod. One was that some applications will fail to install because the SDCard isn't seen. I'm not sure if this was because my SDCard was malfunctioning or there's a problem with CyanogenMod. I was able to get around the problem by unmounting the card and then do the install. Once the install finished I'd remount the card. Angry Birds Rio refused to install no matter what I tried. Are you seeing the same behavior?

The other problem was with the Android Market. The version that came with the OS was really old and buggy. Manually replacng the Vendor.apk to a newer version worked for a few days but then it would always do a Force Close on startup. No matter how many times I'd clear the data and caches it will FC on startup. I could never figure this one out.

I really liked the look of CyanogenMod and running Froyo was nice also. But the SDCard problem combined with a buggy Android Market and no graphics fix for Angry Birds was the "show stopper." I'm now back to running the stock ROM and all is working. I suspect there won't be any more development of CyanogenMod for the Coby 7015.
My approach is to rip out the GE (Google Experience, Google Market extras) by having multiple restores in ClockWorkMod.
I have a nearly original ROM with just SU and gscript and term. I've expanded and forked that ROM to have Google Market on one restore and another without it. I download apps using GoogleMarket and if I like them I use ADB to pull the app to the PC for backup. I can later boot to the restore that does not have Market and use ADB to push the new app to it. Only those apps linked to GE-maps etc fail. I also thinned out the apps in /system/app. I moved the following apps to /sdcard/Android/StockApps as a backup then sync and reboot:
AlarmClock.apk, Browser.apk, Calculator.apk, Email.apk, HTMLViewer.apk, LiveWallpapers.apk, LiveWallpapersPicker.apk, MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk, Phone.apk, PicoTts.apk, SoundRecorder.apk, TelephonyProvider.apk, Term.apk, TtsService.apk, VisualizationWallpapers.apk
I have a much better Browser, DolphinHD (thanks to tipstir) and use RealCalc. LiveWallpapers caused more FCs than it was worth.

Certain features if you remove them won't function at all. You have B10-L for those who don't want LW. But B10-F with LW works fine for me. I use both B10-L and B10-F on each tablet. I was going to get a third one but nope I looking at the 10" one as another purchased. I am not a fan of the DolphinHD but that's up to you how you want your system to run. I use the Chrome Stock as it can see my IIS Intranet Web Site and loaded it correctly

LW everyone wants it so B10-F if you don't want it B10-L. Might make a B10-P this would be a strip down to the bones but enough for you to have a good tablet. No HC GUI, No GE, No Games, No LWP, No WP, Just black on black. Special menus will be made for it to increase battery life even more! This would be set the max like it was in B6. This was something I was going to release if the bid on ebay for that new 7015 was going to me but I was out bid and won't be going for that one again.
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B10-P is not released it's gutted and I get 99.8MB free out the 154MB. I only have Amazon as App Market everything removed! Runs quick, I've added some more interesting tweaks.
I'm liking DolphinHD too much to try Chrome Stock, maybe later.
I'll try the B10-P.

sdcard works fine for me. Cyanogen shows the same error Coby ROM does of /mnt/sdcard is really /nand, but /sdcard is the sdcard and works fine. USB mount is simplier and on the PC now mounts both /sdcard and /nand.
I used my script to install 36 apks from the PC. 4 failed with error "INSTALL_FAILED_CONTAINER_ERROR" three of those were the angrybirds (+RIO, +Seasons), the fourth was FrozenBubbles. FishFood failed to run due to lcd_density being 160. /system/ is mounted ro (read-only) so my script to change lcd_density failed to write until I first used:
# adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2
# adb shell chmod 755 /system
Then FishFood worked with 240, but the launcher vanished! So back to 160. (Maybe long tap hides the launcher?)
Jewels worked. Script to restore high scores worked.
I have not yet tried to install Market.
I like the PowerDown menu with a reboot option and a reboot where screen.

Edit: Solved vanishing launcher icon - it slides away - gives black edge, slides back in place - just a "learning the UI" issue so it's fine with 240.
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Yes but that limits you to VM24 but I solved it and now the Next BX will have the tweaks to go VM48 and still play the Angry Birds Rio an etc.. Runs smooth! I am testing that as we speak. Also improved WiFi and Battery life is increased. For those users of B10 they just get a small patch.
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First post has link to 2.2 fix but I could not get a download to see what is in the rar
I was able to download the file just fine. What's in the rar is a single file, mali.ko. I'll let you download and install it:) Let me know if you do try it along with the results. From the description it was designed to be used with a M701-R tablet. Not sure if it will work with a 7015 running CyanogenMod.
B10-P was re-release you can give that on shot that uses the HW instead of the SW there are also other tweaks and system is gutted too. I get about 99.8MB for RAM if shutdown more it's over 100MB. Out of the box it's quick but not as stable. Still experimental stages.