Best Active Pens for Acer A500


May 30, 2012
Hi All,

I'm newer of the forum.

Briefly, I've bought 2 weeks ago the ACER A500 mainly to use it during my frequent travels.

I don't know if this topic has been already discussed in case please let me know where to look for, but I'd like to use an active pen for my acer to take notes during meetings.

Currently I'm using a passive stylus but it is too slow and imprecise. I saw around a lot of "youtube" files showing fantastic active pens but none of them tested for Acer.

So I'm asking if there is one suitable for this tablet. Can someone help me?

Thank you very much.
Welcome to the forum!

Since it has a capacitive touch screen, anything that is comaptible with the iPad/iPhone should work. Which stylus are you using?

You may want to check out the Caseen Vibe Stylus. They are a Supporting Vendor and I think they have discounts if you check their forum section.

I personally use an Adonit Jot most of the time and it works great for my needs on my TF101 and iPhone.
Hi Frederuco,

Thank you for answering. Well the stylus is the ACER one (ink pen + stylus) paid 27 Euros!

What do you mean with "Since it has a capacitive touch screen, anything that is compatible with the iPad/iPhone should work". Do you mean that being capacitive any active pen is suitable for our acer?

I saw other capacitive screens using active pen (ThinkPad, for instance), so I was expecting to see at least one for I see my dream unsolved?

Thanks for the link.
Is this the one you have:

I know some stylii have had issues and it can be more related to the capacitance of the user. Some folks just don't have the right stuff for some stylii to work properly. I know the Adonit Jot, adding a drop of conductive grease to where the ball interfaces with the disk can help.

I have not see many active stylii for tablets. I did see this one, but the palm rejection only works for iPad for now. iPen: the first active stylus for iPad! by Cregle Inc. — Kickstarter It should work as a stylus though for the Acer if you can find it on the net.
aracnos68 said:
Hi Frederuco,

Thank you for answering. Well the stylus is the ACER one (ink pen + stylus) paid 27 Euros!

What do you mean with "Since it has a capacitive touch screen, anything that is compatible with the iPad/iPhone should work". Do you mean that being capacitive any active pen is suitable for our acer?

I saw other capacitive screens using active pen (ThinkPad, for instance), so I was expecting to see at least one for I see my dream unsolved?

Thanks for the link.

You can only use a capacitive stylus on the a500. The Thinkpad, and a few other tablets like the HTC flyer and the upcoming Galaxy Note 10.1, has a digitizer layer which allows the use the "active" pens you mention, they function much like a graphics tablet. There are some good capacitive Stylus available, such as the Caseen Vibe and Pogo Sketch Pro, both have relatively small tips that are pretty accurate.
Hi folks,

thank for the help.

For Frederuco: yes this is the stylus I have.

For Tom T: You'd be right if the iPad was build with different screen or adding an additional layers but I don't think this is the case. As far as i know the iPad screen is more or less the same as the ACER so I think the iPen should (in principle) work also for ACER.

But in general I saw pen writing even on resistive tablets (on youtube). Frankly I don't know if it is better to have resistive than capacitive, however I'm driven to think that somewhere should exist a suitable active pen for our ACER....or probably is only a dream.....
Considering the HP tablets that it is designed for do not work with your finger, I am pretty sure that means that the stylus will not work that well on capacitive touchscreens.
Hi frederuco,

Thanks for info. It will remain a dream, I think....I have to use the stylus, slowly and imprecise with tools (supernote) really slow that get me nervous....Should I think tablet are only made to play with facebook or twitter?

P.S.: if someone , one day will find an existing a pen (and not a common stylus) able to use tablet in other ways than play with facebook, please let me know.

Took a look at the ipen, the problem I see is there is not a standard port on Android tablets so it probably would not be cost effective to produce something like this. Another company, Ten One Design, the maker of the Pogo line of stylus and other accessories, is making something similar that uses BT 4 to communicate with the tablet.Right now it is also aimed at the iPad, but would seem to be an easier port to Android.
Hi Tom t,

Thank you for info. yes , I think the BT should be a best solution to use the pen and why not USB? In this way the pen is used like a mouse....uhm...I'll look around to see something about...
I have the same impressision problem with all the rubber tiped stylus sold here in Grecce, so I have started looking on the Net. Here is an address of what I have found. (Nota: The Finest Point Stylus for iPad + Android Tablets. Ultrafine tip works with gloves | HEX3)
The product is not released yet but it seems to me that it will solve some problems once it will be released.
I hope that some clever developer read posts like this and some one some day will get into trouble to find a solution for bilions of android users who would like to be productive with their Android Tablets.
Best regards to All.
The Jot2 didn't work well at all on my Acer a500 or my Acer w500 but it works great on iPads so I gave it to my mother for her iPad2.