Best cases / screen protectors for the Le Pan TC 970?

Hi everyone, this is my first post here but i hope it helps someone. Below is a link someone posted on Amazon for a great case that fits the Le Pan tablets. It's for the CaseCrown Hard Case (Black) for the Apple iPad 2 Wifi / 3G Model 16GB, 32GB, 64GB.
It got lots of great reviews from the iPad users so I ordered it last week for the Le Pan II I had on order from Amazon but they couldn't deliver my Le Pan before Jan. 31st to Feb. 9th so i canceled there and ordered it from Best Buy... it arrived today and it looks fantastic :D I haven't tried it yet because I read the manual for the 970 and it says FULLY charge the battery for at-least 8hrs. before the first use and after thet you can use the tablet while charging but only after the first charge so i called Le Pan support and they say yes its the same rules for the Le Pan II then he e-mailed me the user manual for the Le Pan II because some units shipped before the manual was ready. But the case arrived yesterday and this case is a perfect fit for the Le Pan it doesn't block any ports or controls, you can even connect the charger with it in the case It's a hard case with soft padding inside. What the pictures on amazon do not show is that if you rotate it so that the case top is on your lap you can then adjust it for better typing angles. I saw a YouTube video of a guy testing this case by throwing his iPad on a rock. I don't recommend doing that but it is a very good case that offers great protection for your tablet, much better than those silicone sleeves I see everywhere. The only thing I see wrong is I might need to cut 2 small speaker holes in the inner pad that holds the tablet... but I'll wait to see how it sounds in the case first.
I got mine for $3.21 but it looks like when they started getting lots of orders from Le Pan owners they raised their price to $15.21
But even at the higher price I still think it's better protection then those folios because it zips closed all the way around. It's very slim and adds almost NO weight to your tablet.
I hope this wasn't too long and it helps save someones tablet :cool: CaseCrown Hard Case (Black) for the Apple iPad 2 Wifi / 3G Model 16GB, 32GB, 64GB: Electronics

ere is the video of guy testing this case...
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A few pics of my case it's a griffin leather folio for the iPad 2 fits very nicely all ports and buttons not covered and just as easy to access

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet Forum


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wow, this post is revelational. unfortunately i've never heard of le pan before and didn't realise that so many people are struggling to find cases for it. will definitely look into this to try to find some nice book cases for you guys :)

there are lots of ipad 2 sleeves around though that would be a perfect fit for le pan though.
Just wanted to toss up a quick review of the posrus screen protector from Amazon. It is tailor made for the 970, so the camera is unobstructed. The feel of it is very nice doesn't detract from the sensitivity set all and really cuts down on the glare. 5 stars.

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet Forum
Just wanted to toss up a quick review of the posrus screen protector from Amazon. It is tailor made for the 970, so the camera is unobstructed. The feel of it is very nice doesn't detract from the sensitivity set all and really cuts down on the glare. 5 stars.

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet Forum
I was reading up on this and the reviews sound awesome but my question is since it reduces glares to almost nothing, do you lose any of the vividness of the screen. I find that the glare and beautiful screen make colors pop and very bright, I'd just hate to lose that from this screen protector?
The Targus Truss for the HP Touchpad fits the Le Pan perfectly.
Yeah, I ordered one this week, it's just too nicely made (and cheap price, currently)to pass up.

Staples Canada has them on for only $20, free shipping, plus taxes. I had ordered another case from an seller, couldn't cancel the order on time but will be returning it.
The Pandawill is the same case sold on Amazon for $49.95 -- which I bought. Mine is a nice shade of brown/tan, and it is real leather. It works with the LePan II but I'm still having connectivity problems with it. I've had it connected several times, then lost the signal. The ensemble with the tablet installed is very elegant. It must be the most handsome case out there. Designed for the iPad1 and maybe 2, it won't be around after it sells out.
If you can't put jam on toast without getting sticky fingers, perhaps you should find someone to apply this for you. I have Posrus screens on two LePan devices, and I could not be happier. My second application went very smoothly, then I went back and re-applied my first screen after a rinse. The key for me was to put the screen on immediately after rinsing it in tap water, then (after removing the whole lower protective skin) carefully aligning it with the bottom ridge of the screen. Then roll it down until it covers the whole screen. The air and water bubbles work out easily, but not with the "hard card" supplied, use a credit card or other larger, stiff, non-scratching surface. If you do trap a speck of lint, roll a small water bubble over it and gently work it over to the edge.
You can't be tentative with this thing. Approach it with a little (but not too much) confidence.
Some complain about the price, but those folks haven't bought a screen protector for the Nook. And that's a whole lot smaller.
Amazon got this to me in three days, even after I bobbled a new bank account number.
I was reading up on this and the reviews sound awesome but my question is since it reduces glares to almost nothing, do you lose any of the vividness of the screen. I find that the glare and beautiful screen make colors pop and very bright, I'd just hate to lose that from this screen protector?

I haven't lost any brightness the screen is just as great as without it just much more pleasing to use in the sun

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet Forum
I haven't lost any brightness the screen is just as great as without it just much more pleasing to use in the sun

Sent from my TC970 (Wi-Fi) using Android Tablet Forum
perfect thats exactly what i needed to hear. I'm ordering a Le Pan II today and wanted a screen protector to order with it. i was under the impression that anti-glare screen protectors cause some grainyness to the screen and make it somewhat "pixelated".
I had the screen protector on my tc970 before I returned it and bought a Le Pan II. I haven't put it on the new one yet. I liked it. It did really help with the glare and gives the screen a more silky touch. As far as screen brightness or color I didn't notice any difference. The Le Pan II is so much nicer than the Original with the honeycomb operating system improved speed etc. that I just want to leave this one in its pristine state as much as possible. The darn thing is mesmerizing. It is like a drug almost. I can't wait to get home and just gaze at it. Its pitiful.
Thats awesome to hear, i just ordered a Le Pan II yesterday, cant wait get it and start using it. I'm hoping amazon is able to get some shipped out earlier than later! Cant wait to play around with one of these and compare it to my girlfriends Le Pan Tc970 and my fams Ipad 2. I love the 970 but cant wait to have the faster speed and better browser!

Are you going to put the screen protector on the new one?
at this point I don't think I am going to use the screen protector. I never take the le pan outside. Who knows once summer rolls round. Might want to sit in the yard and read.