Best cheap (below 200$) tablet in your opinion?


Aug 12, 2011
Hi to everybody, I'm Italian and I'm looking for a cheap capacitive tablet. I'm checking ebay regularly and I see many of them sold for 100-140 € (150-200$), but they have a variety of unknown brands and names, so I can't decide.

My question is: what's the best cheap android tablet on the market at the moment? I'm looking for one with this features:

- Capacitive multitouch display of decent quality
- At least a 7-8 inches, but 10" would be better (16:9 would be better, but 4:3 it's ok too)
- Rsolution of at least 800x480 (more is better)
- Around 1Ghz cpu, possibly with a decent gpu
- 512mb ram and at least 4gb of internal memory
- At least Android 2.2
- A stable WiFi connection
- Possibly support for android Market and Youtube (if I have to flash or root or something it's not a problem, just infos on how to do must be available on the net)
- Decent durability

Camera, 3G, GPS and Gravity Sensor are not important, as well as "design". For the warranty, if the item has decent durability is not important (I hardly break things, and anyway if I'd have to send it to Honk Kong or something, considering it costs below 200$, probably it would not be worth it anyway).

I saw many with this setup on eBay, some of them sold even for less than 100 €, but I don't know wich brands-models are good and wich not, especially since I don't know good cpus and gpus.

Dropad, Wayteq, Apad, Epad, Kopad... it all looks the same to me. Any suggestion? :)

Thanks in advance for your help.
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I don't find many Coby resellers here in Italy, and prices are a bit higher (around 340$ - 240 € for the 10" capacitive), but they're interesting, I'll keep searching for them!

Thanks for the hint, if you know any other brand that makes decent models for that price let me know :)

For example at the moment I'm following two auctions for a Dropad Heropad 7" and a Wayteq xPAD-70, both below 100 eur at the moment. Do you know if they're decent?

Or maybe this one (I don't even know wich brand it is)? They sell it 127 eur including shipping (there's a 20 eur coupon for new customers, and shipping is included, but I don't trust the site much)

P.S.: If posting links breaks any rule I'm sorry, feel free to delete it.
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