Big Lots 7" Cruz tablet, can't upgrade firmware, hard to identify

Dec 8, 2011
I just got a 7" Cruz Tablet/eReader from Big Lots. The label on the box says T103.
When I boot it up and check the model number in Settings, it says PT701. And the
manual pre-installed on the device is for the T301.

I'm trying to upgrade to Android 2.2. There's a label on the box saying this can be
done. I don't have it in front of me right now but something along the lines of surf to
this URL and follow the instructions. The URL redirects to
Support Center.

I've tried the T301 and T100 series upgrades. They both start the upgrade but then
get validation errors.

How can I be sure what device this is, and how can I upgrade the firmware

Wow, that's weird! I think that the big lots near me had a R103, so it varies as to which units were available in your area. You'd think because the box has T103 on it that that is what you got. But I googled that PT701 and found there's no model with that listed anywhere. It does come up with a thread but there's not much if any info on it there on the xda forums. I found a blog entry on the Velocity site here and if you scroll down you see someone mentioning that model number and being given the support URL but it looks slightly different to the one you've linked. I don't know which one is accurate. And finally to add to the confusion I found this link to a ubuntu forum and the Original Poster refers to this model as a T103. So I think they were right and you definitely have a t103. Why the update didn't work for it I don't know. I would get with their tech support and see if you have a possibly defective unit? Maybe that's why you're getting validation errors. Not sure. But I wanted to help, and to welcome you to the board BlackTrenchCoat, glad you could join us and I hope something I've shared from my googling helps. :)
Wow, 2 1/2 working days for my ticket to get assigned to a technician.
Another day has gone by since then and still no contact.
Why do they call it Velocity? Support is SLOWWWWW.
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That's too bad, I hope they are able to resolve this for you before Christmas. :( Thanks for the upate, I was wondering what had happened with the support ticket and if you'd ever heard from them again. Good Luck BlackTrenchCoat. :D
Finally, someone to commiserate with. Same store, same tablet, same issues. I was wondering if you tried to call Velocity's customer service. I plan to myself on Monday.
I hope we can get this resolved soon. For the price I paid I couldn't afford not to buy it but I also have to consider the opportunity cost of not having a working tablet.
Hey all,
Yeah my buddy got one of these too and asked if I could help him with upgrading it, he's not too tech savy, so I did. I downloaded the upgrade for the T100 series and put it on the SD card like they said. I did the reset and it seemed to be upgrading ok. Only difference was they said the home page should come up after it's done, I got a blank screen. I thought maybe it just shut off when it was done so I hit the power button. Still didn't come on. I thought I had bricked it but I reset it again and it came on, took a little longer this time, and it did do the upgrade to 2.2. He's happy, it's a gift for Christmas, and seems to work ok. I'll let you know if he has any issues or anything after that.

I finally called the 800 number. The guy looked at my ticket and
said, you have to send it back and he gave me an RMA number. At
least I'm not totally SOL. So now I'm looking at probably at
least a couple more weeks till I can use this thing. Velocity
tech support is terrible. 7 working days my ticket sat in their
queue and I still had to call and nag them on the 800 number.
Vrocko, I'm jealous of your buddy. I suspect I got a mislabeled
unit and it's not really a T103, maybe an R100 series or
something. I'll try to remember to follow up when this is
finally resolved. Thanks.
Whew, these guys are really bad. I got home, scanned my receipt and uploaded it.
Then I called the 800 number, got through on the second try. So that's another half
an hour or so. I was hoping support could quickly verify my proof of purchase and
give me the RMA info so I could send it out first thing in the morning. But the guy
tells me it will take 24-48 hours. If you ever get a Velocity product, do not have a
same thing happens to me i have the android exclamation mark and then it reads E: failed to verify whole-file signature installation aborted ... stupid biglots might have to go return it with out 2.2
BTC and MrPuddles,
Hey did you both try to do the upgrade to 2.2? I also noticed that the tablet itself, in the Settings menu, says it is a PT701 but the label on the Tablet says T103. The T100 upgrade worked but not exactly as they had said. I didn't notice any errors when I ran the upgrade and I know when I reset it, it came back up to the Home screen and it seemed ok. I'll try to put pictures up tonight and show you the model numbers on the box, the tablet and in the Settings menu. My friend is coming over tonight to get the tablet so I'll have to get it done quick. Have either of you heard back from Support? I suppose they're swamped due to it's Christmas, everyone probably bought the tablet that Big Lots had and they are all having the same issue as you are. I'm going to check their website too for other clues. Sorry that this upgrade didn't work for you. Hope all turn out ok though.

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Hi i have the same problem.I have 3 Cruze T103 tablets and 2 updated to 2.2 android fine, but with 3-d i have a problem:
E:signature verification failed
Installation aborted.
and after that, in notification bar : damaged flash memory.

P.S. 2 updated tablets in menu About device/model/T100 and 3-d model/PT701
I got the RMA label and shipped mine back to Velocity on 12/22.
Interesting to hear that other people who bought the Big Lots device
are having the same problem.
I have the same problem. I received a T103 from Big Lots for Christmas. It also says PT701 as the model number in Settings "about device" It will not update. The update starts and then flashes an error too fast for me to read. I've tried over a dozen times. When I tether it to my PC it does not recognize the device. Device manager shows null*usb*null so I can't update using the alternative method given on the Cruz support site. I have called in a ticket to them but was told they are very backed up...
How do I upgrade this. I'm know tech savy at all. My box says Cruz R102. So what should I do?