Big Lots 7" Cruz tablet, can't upgrade firmware, hard to identify

Velocity tech support says 'verified problem... replaced unit... Shipping unit back in next business day'.
So I should have it back around Tuesday 1/10, a bit over a month after the original purchase.

Big Lots occasionally has a good price on electronics devices, but virtually every time I buy something,
there is some kind of a problem. It makes me wonder if manufacturers are dumping known-defective
units with Big Lots.
I called Tech Support last night with the same issues and he did the exact same steps that I did and it did not work. I also have the t103 from Big Lots.
I called in a ticket to Velocity Micro and I put one in online and they never responded.
The deadline to return to Big Lots is Monday so I returned mine yesterday. (they only allow thirty days)
I am not impressed the the customer service I received (basically none) so I won't be replacing with another of this brand.
I finally got my tablet back. Or I should say one like it. The settings menu
identifies it as a T100 running Android 2.2.1. There's a bunch of stuff on it
that wasn't on the other one (e.g. chess). Based on a half hour or so
checking it out, it appears to be good. Wonder what that other thing was?
Well, I had five days to enjoy my tablet... this morning it was a brick.
The 3 buttons light up when I press them, otherwise there's no sign of life.
I tried the reset button. I tried power + volume up. I'm opening
another service request with
What a bummer :(
I called support. The tech advised me to hold the reset button down for
30 seconds. It worked, yay! Incidentally it really works best to call them
on the phone. You will wait forever for a response from the web-based
I bought one of these before I read this forum. I have figured out how to teather it to the computer and can't get it to update. I got this to see if I would even enjoy a tablet or it's not so bad. sent an ticket to the support at cruz, but they just treated me like an idot.
I called (1-800-296-4312) and was able to get through after only 3 minutes. I have an R103. Turns out I was following the directions to download the upgrade on a T103. On the R103 after downloading the upgrade on an SD card and inserting it into the tablet (reader) you then press and hold the volume up button then press and hold the on/off button at the same time until the android character starts walking accross the screen. Then let it do it's thing. Give them a call they are helpful.
In the "Quick Start Guide" that comes with this tablet, it states you need to install the updated software via SD card to the tablet.
yeah i'm having the same problem with mine and i made a support ticket and they sent me an email to send it back to them to fix the problem and when i send it back they said not to send anything but the tablet only because they won't send back the other things with it i have to print out the mailing address label to mail it back to them then when they get it i'll get notified when they'll return it to me