Big Tablet Small Price


Nov 5, 2012
Hi all,

I have spent a fair few hours reading various posts and have ended up even more confused but even more determined to get a tablet!

I cannot justify spending a fortune on a tablet as I still need my laptop for photo editing (I'm a photographer). This is purely a toy, I would just like a bigger toy than my phone.

I currently have the original Samsung Galaxy Note, which is great. I spend a lot of time on it watching tv with the Filmon app, playing games and general browsing. I find im using my phone more and more instead of waiting for the laptop to boot up and the 5 inch screen isnt enough anymore.

What I would like:

Cost - <£150
Screen Size - 10inch (or thereabouts)
Good Screen Resolution
Storage - 16gb + and expandable
No lag or freezing etc.
Must be able to run Play Store
Ideally have GPS
Ideally doesn't need rooting
Wifi only is fine as I plan on tehering my note if I'm out and about.
Ideally JellyBean or at least ICS

I know I'm asking for a lot and I hope there is something that will suit but I'd rather wait than have something that will drive me nuts by freezing and lagging etc. I'm happy to go with a 'chinese' tablet.

On my list so far I have:

- the Ainol 10inch models that are due out soon. I like the look of the Ainol Captain due to the higher screen resolution and I believe they will be releasing a 2GB RAM and 16GB model.
- Pipo M1

Any thoughts, suggestions etc would be most welcome!

Thanks in advance.
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Hi Vikkirice.As i know,based on your requirements, i think you can take a look at the BeanTab B1,9.7" Capatitive Screen, Jelly Bean....Hope my recommendation could help you.