I'm in the process of comparing tablets for a mid february purchase. Right now I've narrowed it down to the NC and the ViewSonic G tab. Since I've obviously posted in the NC thread you can tell which way I'm leaning.
I did notice, however, that someone figured out how to do bluetooth GPS sharing with the G tab. Here's the link to the post: http://www.androidtablets.net/forum...0-bluetooth-gps-g-tab-skymap-nav-working.html
Has anyone had any luck doing this on the NC?
Forgive me if this has been covered in a prev thread. I searched and found nothing specific to the Nook.
From a technical standpoint, is there anything else about the NC that frustrates you guys that I should consider in my comparisons?
Has anyone had any luck doing this on the NC?
Forgive me if this has been covered in a prev thread. I searched and found nothing specific to the Nook.
From a technical standpoint, is there anything else about the NC that frustrates you guys that I should consider in my comparisons?