Bricked Coby MID 9042-8 - ROM Needed

Svtart, go to the link in my signature to fix the Play Store compatibility issues, if you haven't already done so.

I hadn't had a chance to play with this untill yesturday, but I bricked it before I had a chance to try. I had a problem with busybox, It updated and it would give me a black screen. I uninstalled and now it will not boot. it is stuck with the "coby" on the screen.

my problem. is when I get into recovery mode my computer will not detect it. it describes it as "full" in the device manager with no driver found. I tried all drivers I can find even from live suite but it does not detect it. any idea what driver I need? or how to get it to detect?

the other way is to install a .zip back up from sd card, but I do not have one. anyway to make my dump into a zip i can transfer through the SD?

thanks in advance....
It appears you got your 9042 rooted and the Market installed, can you walk me through how to do it?

Thanks, like an idiot I tried installing Steev's 7042 ROM with Google play on the 9042. Brick. Does anyone know where I can get a working ROM to run through LiveSuite? What occurs is the screen flickers and it won't boot up. I'm guessing this is due to the screen having a different resolution. of course I wasn't smart enough to back up etc..

Can anyone help?

PS: Thanks to all you guys out there doing these other daughter has a 7042 and Steev's root works awesome!
Look in the Development Index sticky, this forum. I have a tool there to make the process easier.
[Q=hagsmich;247710]It appears you got your 9042 rooted and the Market installed, can you walk me through how to do it?[/QUOTE]

I dont,..nor do I know how to get Google play on it..I'm standing by for the "root via live suite" method
The developers that provided Livesuite ROMs haven't been here in months, so don't ever expect to see a 9042 Livesuite ROM. Besides, Clockworkmod is the preferred method of getting Google apps on these tablets. Livesuite has been known to brick tablets, thus it's not recommended.

To get Google Play on your tablet, you have to root, make a system dump (recommended) then replace the recovery with Clockworkmod. From Clockworkmod, you install the Google apps package compiled for Cyanogenmod. That's all there is to it. I do understand that this method isn't as simple to use as installing Livesuite and flashing an image through that. However, brain dead solutions like Livesuite don't actually teach you anything about your device. Learning how to get ADB and its drivers configured properly is the first step towards a larger world.
I hadn't had a chance to play with this untill yesturday, but I bricked it before I had a chance to try. I had a problem with busybox, It updated and it would give me a black screen. I uninstalled and now it will not boot. it is stuck with the "coby" on the screen.

my problem. is when I get into recovery mode my computer will not detect it. it describes it as "full" in the device manager with no driver found. I tried all drivers I can find even from live suite but it does not detect it. any idea what driver I need? or how to get it to detect?

the other way is to install a .zip back up from sd card, but I do not have one. anyway to make my dump into a zip i can transfer through the SD?

thanks in advance....


Were you able to apply the fix for the Play Store compatibility issues?

Thanks in advance.
Dear all
I wanted to install the google play on my tablet (Coby MID9042-8)
To reach my target, I Rooted my Coby Tablet and created the system dump (boot.img, bootloader.img, recovery.img and system.tgz files in one dump folder)
The next step is to "Install ClockworkMod Recovery".
According to your advices in:"READ FIRST: Development Index and Root Utility"
"Make a copy of the stock recovery that you created in the "Create System dump" step. Place that copy in the data subdirectory of the utility and rename it to "stock_recovery.img"."
what is the stock recovery? Is it the files that are in the dump folder? if yes, how can I rename the files "stock recovery.img" ?
What I have to do to obtain the google play on my tablet?
Thank you for your help
If you made a dump, you should have a copy of the dump files on your PC. The file named "recovery.img" is the one you rename. As to how you rename a file, I leave that to you to find out for yourself, as that is a basic Windows operation you should already know.

Getting Google Play onto your tablet is explained in the sticky.
Thank you for the help Traveller
Sure I know how to rename a file, but I didn't know that it was 1 file or the package of 3 file :)
Thank you for your precious help and I just finished all the steps and got the Icon of the google play :)
I will try to download some applications tomorrow :)
Thank you again
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