Bricked Coby MID 9042-8 - ROM Needed

Ok, I have made a recovery based on your files.

extract the zip

adb push /data/local/tmp/

adb push recovery.img /data/local/tmp/recovery.img

adb push reboot-recovery /system/bin/reboot-recovery

adb shell

chmod 755 /system/bin/reboot-recovery

chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/



if you get an error about pushing reboot-recovery or chmoding reboot-recovery

you need to mount /system as rw then run commands again.

busybox mount -o remount,rw /system
I could not get it to give me permission for pushing reboot recovery. no mater what i tried.
so i put it in my sd and transferred it with es file explorer and it worked!!!!!
hahaha I'm a happy camper!!! I installed gapps and I now have google play working!!!!!

thank you, thank you, thank you, you are awesome!!

i would still like to know what i did wrong or what i needed to do.

i tried
adb shell
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system

and a couple of variations I found on the net but no go with any of them.

now on to the next problem. but i will try to figure it out by searching, i know its been answered. google wont let it install most apps. it says its not compatible.
now on to the next problem. but i will try to figure it out by searching, i know its been answered. google wont let it install most apps. it says its not compatible.

delete /system/bin/

rename /system/build.prop /system/build.prop.bak

then use this one

delete playstore cache

then boot into recovery

clear dalvik cache,

I could not get it to give me permission for pushing reboot recovery. no mater what i tried.
so i put it in my sd and transferred it with es file explorer and it worked!!!!!
hahaha I'm a happy camper!!! I installed gapps and I now have google play working!!!!!

thank you, thank you, thank you, you are awesome!!

i would still like to know what i did wrong or what i needed to do.

i tried
adb shell
busybox mount -o remount,rw /system

and a couple of variations I found on the net but no go with any of them.

well after looking at your dump again, you already had reboot-recovery installed, you must have installed it during your rooting.
ok . thanks.

I tried the build.prop twice but no go. its still not compatible with a lot of apps, but its ok I,m verry happy. I got all my sons apps I paid for working. and all my other apps installed one way or another.I got this thing the way it should have worrked from the factory!! its a perfect size, a little slow but it gets the job done. the only thing I could not get to work was netflix, but no biggy. it just shuts down with the market app. and i get a no communication error with an older version.

thanks again,me and of alot of other users will appreciate your knowledge.

I think I'm going to start paying for my apps on amazon now..................
hi MWalter, how are you? I'm trying to root my 9042, have no idea which stem to do first. I only really know how to boot into the system by pressing power and volume up, but i dont know which order to install the files, commands and which directory
hi MWalter, how are you? I'm trying to root my 9042, have no idea which stem to do first. I only really know how to boot into the system by pressing power and volume up, but i dont know which order to install the files, commands and which directory

all of these tablets are rooted the same way, under device you list 8042, but you say you have 9042.
U hav a mac with snow leopard and a pc with windows 7. I downloaded all the files in this thread so my question is which order to install them and if i have to type in any commands in order to root the mid 9042. Coby replaced my 8042 yesterday with a 9042 because the 8042 had a defective usb port
ok . thanks.

I tried the build.prop twice but no go. its still not compatible with a lot of apps, but its ok I,m verry happy. I got all my sons apps I paid for working. and all my other apps installed one way or another.I got this thing the way it should have worrked from the factory!! its a perfect size, a little slow but it gets the job done. the only thing I could not get to work was netflix, but no biggy. it just shuts down with the market app. and i get a no communication error with an older version.

thanks again,me and of alot of other users will appreciate your knowledge.

I think I'm going to start paying for my apps on amazon now..................

Svtart, go to the link in my signature to fix the Play Store compatibility issues, if you haven't already done so.