Broken/Cracked screens?


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2011
I've been browsing this and other forums to find out information regarding transformers with broken/cracked screens.

What I've found seems to indicate that a large percentage of screens (both the TF300 & the TF700) have broken when used with the keyboard dock.

Has anyone experienced a cracked or broken screen without a keyboard dock?

In either case, how widespread is the cracked/broken screen problem?

I've really enjoyed my TF101 and would purchase it's replacement from Asus without question IF I knew more about this screen problem.
Take a look at what happens to the infinity during this review. Fast Forward to the 15 minute mark if you don't want to watch the whole review.

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I have kust noticed a small crack on the LHS of the screen on my 1 month old Asus TF700 Infinity. After reading numerous posts on the subject I became aware that this is a common problem that Asus should rectify. I took the unit back to the retailer and asked them to fix it under warranty. They agreed to send it to Asus in Sydney and let me know the outcome. I will keep You informed.
The following is the text of my report to Asus.

 I had been using an earlier eeepad model TF101 for 18 months without any screen problems.
 I purchased a new eeepad TF700 Serial No C60KAS133927 on 19 March 2013
 On 21 April I had been reading an [/I]ebook on the tablet without the keyboard dock for about 2 hours when I noticed a small crack in the glass screen on the LHS. I did notice also that the rear of the tablet was hot to touch and the glass screen was quite cold. The ambient temperature was about 15 deg C. I can not say for sure whether the crack was there when I last used it with the keyboard dock.
 When docking or undocking the eeepad I always opened or closed the tablet by the top of the screen and never picked up the complete unit by the tablet as indicated on P7 of the manual.
 I had a look on line at the Asus eeepad transformer forum and found 22 pages of postings related to cracked screens, most of them on the LHS. A few members reported that Asus had replaced screens under warranty but the majority were not.
 One posting included a video of testing done on the “Gorilla glass” used for the screen that showed the glass withstanding 7 cm of bending without cracking. Therefore if the glass was within specifications it would not crack in normal use without impact that would show as splintering or damage to the case.
 My conclusion is that either the glass was faulty or the mounting of the glass in the frame was sub-standard.

I will keep you informed as to whether Asus replace the screen under warranty

Aldunc (Adelaide Australia)​
Good news on my TF700 with the cracked screen.
After waiting 4 weeks I followed up with Asus. They initially said that there would be a cost but after some discussion they agreed to fix under warranty and it would be fixed by 16 May. I followed up with the retail store on 20 May and they said it was despatched on 16 May and had asked for the tracking number. Next day the store told me that they believed that Asus had LOST my tablet but had agreed to give me a NEW one.
I have now picked up the new one and just finished re-loading all my apps. Fortunately I had used app backup and this worked well.