Can I work in Windows documents/power point& present them w/toshiba or samsung 7"?


Mar 18, 2011
Basically, I'm trying to figure out which one to buy, and I want to know if I can:
1) type in my windows documents from my computer on a toshiba or samsung 7" tablet?
2) work/type in my power point presentations and hook by tablet into my projector and present my powerpoint presentations?
3) I'm guessing I can hook either up to an external keyboard and type.
4) I also want to read books with either one. Can I read both kindle and nook books?

I guess I want to use it to replace a laptop computer. Can they do that?

Thank you in advance.
Also, do you think both will come out with honeycomb 7" tablets later this year? And, what do you think the price will be for both of them?