Cannot Find WiFi Signal

Vamp & Spider,

No luck. The problem is that all of my(our) devices are doing the same thing - all 7 (6 tablets & 1 phone). I am sure I could add a 2nd phone to that list. I can see the app fixing one device . But this points to the modem/router being the issue - but why only android devices. And until 3 days ago there was no problem. All tablets were turned completely off - only the smart phone was on. And 2 belkin USB WIFI STICKS were connect - my wife and daughter had to reinstall windows 7 fresh - both were using the sticks. The one stick is a recent addition - just the day before all this started.


Yeah tried with the work phone which has never WIFI'ed to any network. It can't see my network at all.


Can't be the Android devices (tablets) because they can connect to other networks without issues. And they can all connect to my smart phone hotspot without problems

You keep saying this...
So, what happened '3 days ago' that has changed the way the wifi/router is operating that could possibly affect Android devices? A power failure that caused it to use 'default' settings that are inconsistent with the original connections? A software update that did basically the same thing?

... and the Android devices do not see the wifi AT ALL? OR just cannot connect to it. (Just for clarification...)
... have you tried removing the connection entry from the Androids and see if it can then find it.
No, actually it was the wireless router section of the ADSL MODEM. It started to fail completely, in the end, because windows pc started having problems as well.

one moment the SSID would appear in the wireless network list. then it would disappear off the list - like it doesn't exist. it would not appear for selection - even though i was less than 20 inches away from the modem.

The new ADSL MODEM/ROUTER proves the point. The ANDROID DEVICES were the first to achieve wireless internet access - even before the hardwired devices were able to.
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Apparently the conductive glue on the wireless module causes rust and corrosion. The old modem I will fix, test and store away for a spare.

Go to the forums under BILLION thread there is a link with pictures and an explanation on what to do. This problem affects all wireless modules on all makes of modems/routers. I opened mine up to check.

Thanks anyway for all your assistance, chaps. It is greatly appreciated.
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Funny you should mention that. Way back when the edge connected cables on the systems we built, (mostly hard disks if I remember correctly), would shake loose in transit so we started using hot glue to keep them on. As it turned out the hot glue had a high acid content. 5-7 years down the road the connectors were eaten away.