Cannot install downloaded apk apps!


Dec 10, 2011
Just got my son's T103 tablet and am setting it up for him for Christmas...I downloaded YouTube and SlideMe (apk files) onto the SD card, I can locate them fine with Astro - I select the downloaded file, then 'open app manager' and I cannot press the Install button - it does not work, and it tell me that the file size and data size are both zero. This originally happened with the Kindle app downloaded file so I restarted the tablet and was then able to install it - it's not working for either of these. It's very frustrating to see people in forums listing so many apps that are able to be downloaded and installed - I know what I'm doing, but they just won't install, UGH. Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.
Hi maureen,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us. I think the trouble is it sounds like you're trying to install the files onto the SD card, and that doesn't work. It has to be in the main memory of the device or it won't work to install. Have you tried using the on board storage for installing these apps? I think you need to move them off the SD card and onto the flash memory of the tablet and then they will install.
Hi Pamster, thanks so much for trying to help. Here are some things I don't understand...first, the Kindle app loaded from the SD card (the downloaded app is still there - I did this because a few other site said they should be on the card). Second, I know how to copy and paste a file through Astro and when I copy the downloaded/needs to be installed YouTube and SlideMe files, it won't let me copy them to the device. Third and most frustrating of all is when I plugged it into my computer, my computer didn't detect it and the "USB connected, select to copy files to/from your computer" on the actual tablet does nothing when I press/select it (my computer detected it when I plugged it in for the Android update though!). I spent so much time loading this up with books and music for my son, I don't want to have to clear it out and return it, especially since I can't afford anything better. SO frustrating. Thank you again. :(

PS - I have "allow install of non-Market applications" checked, so that can't be it either. :(
I am sure someone else will have more information on this, maybe it is possible on the velocity cruz tablets to do SD card app installations. Regardless, hopefully someone else will be able to point you in the right direction on this issue, so check back soon, a lot of people are probably busy with the holidays, so it might not be for a couple of days, or it could be in two hours. I wish I could help more but we've not bought our family's tablet yet. ;)
I am having the exact same issue and it is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!!!! I have downloaded the nook app from a million different places and that works fine, but when I go to install it will fail. Please Help Someone!
I got the T103 for Christmas too!
Here are some suggestions (not sure if on topic).

For the Youtube app, you can go to the browser, or download it from the Cruzmarket, the one titled (T103), this is what I did and I love it.

Marketplace, because I do not know how to get onto the Android Marketplace without an android phone...
Try the Amazon Market, NOT the andapp, that one has a bunch of VERY low quality apps one.
The amazon market has a free paid app every day, most of which don't work, but some work fine.

List of apps I found worked one MY T103:


Ninja girl: Much like Fruit Ninja, but 2D ninjas jump from the sides of the screen and you slash at them, (my dad loves it).

Fruit Slicer, I think that's the name is like a different version of fruitninja that works on my T103, but is VERY, very slow, not suggested, but just in case.

Word Boggle: Fun Boggle game.

Word Search: I enjoy Word Search this was the first one I found, pretty good. Only 8 words per search though.

Square Wars: This is a great game, by yourself or with a friend. I found it is funnest with several players.

Guns'n'glory FREE: Great app fun tower defense although no upgrades which are a fun part of all tower defenses, cool part is you get to move the people who you control.

Mini Golf'oid: I really enjoy Mini Golf'oid for a touch screen app works fast and fun to play.

Moron Test: Section 1: fun but short, quiz game.


Jewels: Jewels is one of my favorites, like the Bejeweled, works great on my tablet, almost no lag, and touch screen response almost everytime.

These should all be FREE, here are some suggestions for non-games.

Choice of The Dragon (fun but short)

Choice of The Broadside: Pirate version of Choice of The Dragon, (enjoyed Choice of the Dragon more).

Doodler: Great white board app, most others have a catch, like this great one I found that had to update all files everytime, LAME.


Demotivational Pics: It is labeled wrong I think, should be called Lol pics, because they are REALLY funny! Some of the pics are a bit more muture tough, like not for kids under 10 or 12. I love it though so funny.

Make sure you do NOT PAY for these apps they are all FREE!

Hope this is helpful!
